Monday, 22 April 2013

10 Tips to Create Khushoo In Your Salah Namaz

Many a times we offer Salah but our mind remains involve in thinking about other things. we don't even know what we are reading in Salah and the Salah ends. If we really want to get Ajar for Salah and feel inside peace then we need to create Khushoo In our Saurlah.

Here are 10 awesome tips that will help you in Creating Khushoo In Your prayer. follow these tips and see the result yourself.


Friday, 19 April 2013

Dua Is An Act of Worship

We Muslims makes Dua to Allah SWT and ask for different needs and end of our problems. Some people asks for money, some for health and some for guidance of right path. But do you know Doing Dua is also an act of Worship and you get virtue just for making Dua even though we do Dua for our own needs.


Prophet Muhammad SAW said in an Hadith that the Dua is Worship. so this Hadith of Prophet SAW clearly says that Dua is Worship and we all know that doing Worship of Allah SWT is a virtue.

Allah SWT has said in the Quran "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer). so we should always try to do Dua from core of our hearts. it will not only benefit here but in hereafter as well.


Sunday, 14 April 2013

Take Online Fatwas On Islamic Issues

In our daily lives different issues keeps on coming about which we want to know Islamic point of view. There are also many Issues about which we want to know if they are Halal or Haram In light of Islam? for such things we take Fatwas from the the Muftis.


Some issues on mostly Fatwas are taken are Divorce, Jobs etc.

In the past days people used to take Fatwas by going to Mosques and meet Muftis on various issues. now a days Technology has made everything easy so taking Fatwas has also become easy now. You can take Fatwa on any issue online using Internet.

there are many Islamic sites on which you can take Authentic Fatwas in light of Quran and Sunnah from Muftis. the most popular sites for Online Fatwas is

On Islamqa there are thousands of Fatwas available on different issues which you can read. If you want to ask them about anything use the button ask a question on their site.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Muslims Must Use Social Media For Dawah: Dr Zakir Naik

Famous Muslim Scholar Dr Zakir Naik who is head of IRF and running most watched Islamic Dawah TV Channel Peace TV has said that Social media is a very effective tool so Muslims should use this Media for the Dawah of Islam to non-Muslims.


I totally agree with this statement of Dr Zakir Naik. Social Media has grown so much and now it has billions of users. we can really use it to give message of Islam to Non-Muslims. but the sad truth is that Most of Muslims are not doing it. So many Muslims got non-Muslims friends on Facebook and other social sites but they never tell them about Islam. instead they keeps on wasting time in useless posts and chat.

Another sad thing is that most of Big Islamic Pages on Facebook just keeps on sharing Pics of Kaaba, Masjid Al Nabawi, So called miracles or Muslim babies so that they can get more likes, shares and fans. they never do real Dawah of Islam.

We should use Social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus in proper way to give Message of Islam to non-believers because its responsibility of each and every Muslim. we will be answerable about it on the day of Judgement. Allah SWT has clearly said in Surah Al-Asr that those men are in loss who don't call others towards Haq.
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