Thursday, 27 June 2013

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Ramadan 2013 Facebook Covers

As the Ramadan 2013 comes closer people have started preparation for the holy month. In Ramadan many people also sets Islamic display photos and covers on Social Networking sites. Here is a list of some Beautiful Ramadan 2013 Facebook covers that you can use on your Facebook profile.
















Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Qada Prayer In Light of Sunnah

We often hear the word Qada (Qaza) Prayer which means offering a Salah which was missed on its actual time. For example if we missed today's Fajr Salah due to some reason then we can offer it later on that that day. it will be known as Qada Prayer.


Some people claims that we should also offer the Qada Prayers that were missed in past years of our lives. Well it is not proved from the Sunnah. There is no Qada of salaah (prayer) missed yesterday or past days, months, years. Only one type of qada is proved from sunnah like if you have missed Fajr, you can offer it as qada in the same day but there is no qadaa prayer of yesterday or past days.

If you have missed namaz/salaah/prayer for many months or years, don't worry, you just need to repent and you have to be regular in obligatory salaah from today and you can also offer nawafil as much as you can.

In-shaa-Allah, it will must be fruitful on the day of Judgement. Because Allah is the most merciful, He loves to forgive. we just need to ask for forgiveness from bottom of our hearts and promise that will will try to not to do it again.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Ramadan 2013 Calendar For India

Although India is a non-muslim majority country but it also has a huge Muslim population. there are almost 25 crore population In India. Ramadan is starting on 9th or 10th July In India this year 2013.

Here is Ramadan 2013 Calendar For India:


Ramadan 2013 Calendar For Pakistan

Holy Month of Ramadan is now less than 20 days away from us. Muslims all over the world are counting days for arrival. Like many other Muslim countries Ramadan is also awaited by people of Pakistan. Here is Ramadan Calendar 2013 for Pakistan.

In Pakistan Ramadan is expected to start on 10th July 2013.


Shab E Barat 2013

On 15th Night of Islamic month of Shaban Many Muslims in subcontinent observes a night called Shab E Barat. they claim that its a blessed night and has great importance In Islam. Many wrong beliefs and practices are also associated with this night.


Many people specially kids also do fireworks on roads and disturbs other people. People also claims that our luck is also decided on this night.

Well the fact is that there is no Shab E Barat In Islam. In fact you will not see Muslims observing this night anywhere else except Subcontinent countries India, Bangladesh Pakistan. you will not see people of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey observing this night. all the Hadiths that are associated with this night are Zaeef.

Our luck is also decided on the night of Laylatul Qadr that comes in last 10 days of Ramadan. Luck is not decided on Shab E Barat.

There are also no special prayers that are mentioned in the Quran or Hadith about this night.

May Allah SWT guide us all to the right path and save us from Biddah.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

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