Saturday, 31 May 2014

The Common Core of Islamic Terrorism is Islam, not al-Qa`ida

"The four Islamic Al-Qaida groups, and the other 34 Islamic non-AQ ones,  have not radically re-interpreted Islam�they have simply returned to Islam�s historical and standard expansionist jihad mode."

by Timothy R. Furnish, Mahdi Watch � May 20, 2014

Timothy R. Furnish holds a PhD in Islamic, African and World history and works as an author, analyst and consultant to the US military. His website is and he is on Twitter as @occidentaljihad

Earlier tonight (May 20, 2014), a debate ensued on �Fox News Channel� between faux-moderate Juan Williams and Dr. George Will (as well as Dr. Charles Krauthammer) about the Obama Adminstration�s incessant attempts to differentiate between �core� and �non-core al-Qa`ida� [AQ], which have been going on for almost two years now.  (Nothing quite beats listening to a journalist lecture those more educated than him.) Then just a bit ago I ran across a news item on the Egyptian Muslim terrorist group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, �Supporters of the Holy House� [Jerusalem], describing how ABAM is threatening to move its jihad out of the Sinai and into Egypt's cities and towns to fry the Western evil of KFC (that�s Kentucky Fried Chicken to old Kentuckians like yours truly).   Here is ABAM�s logo:


The top slogan, to the right of the AK-47 barrel (nice banana clip, by the way), says �there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messnger��the standard-issue flag of Islam going back to the 8th century AD Abbasids (as I blogged on just last week).  The circle, which contains a map of Eurasia and Africa and a Qur�an below them, is emblazoned with Arabic which reads �kill them until fitnah no longer exists, and only the religion of  those of Allah exists"--which is almost verbatim from [the Quran] Sura al-Baqarah [II]:193. ( The very bottom Arabic script is the group�s name.)  

ABAM is neither �core� nor �non-core� AQ�in fact, it�s not AQ at all.  But it is no less dangerous for that.  The same is true of the 34 other non-AQ Islamic terrorist groups on the current State Department list.  Taking orders or even cues from AQ leadership, or being an AQ �franchise,� is really irrelevant�because it is not AQ which creates the bitter mindset leading to Islamic terrorism; it is Islam itself, when a literal reading is applied to the Qur�an�s many jihad passages, the supporting Hadiths, and the historical example of Muhammad himself.  The four Islamic AQ groups, and the other 34 Islamic non-AQ ones,  have not radically re-interpreted Islam�they have simply returned to Islam�s historical and standard expansionist jihad mode, after some decades of such being suppressed by Western-inspired ideologies between about the end of World War II and 1979 (the year that marked the rise of the mujahidin to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, the Iranian theocratic revolution, and the abortive Mahdist coup in Saudi Arabia). 

A better differentiation of terrorist groups would be Fawaz Gerges� one beween those aiming to attack the �near enemy� and those targetting the �far� one(s): Hamas, Hizbullah, Lashkar-e Taiba and Boko Haram at one point fell under the former category (going after local or regional �non-Islamic� rulers); while AQ was the quintessential latter one (skipping over Mubarak�s and Saddam�s dyed heads to go after the Great Satan itself�us).   But that distinction matters much less nowadays, as the Islamic ummah has increasingly come to see itself as a global one united against not just the encroachments, but the predatory attacks, of both Western secularism and Christianity, �Zionism,� Chinese Communism�and now, with Modi�s election in India, Hinduism; and, concomitantly, that Islamic terrorist groups are actually, for the most part, soldiers of Allah defending Islamdom.    

Again, note ABAM�s slogan: �kill them until fitnah no longer exists, and only the religion of those of Allah exists.�  Fitnah is plural for �civil/religious wars,�  as well as for the more nebulous "mischief." So the ones to be killed can be either �apostate� Muslims who engage in the former, or those who stir up problems for the ummah in the latter vein, behind the scences (likely Christians and Jews)�and probably both categories.   So while the name of the group bespeaks the urgency of conquering Jersualem for Islam, the clearly-expressed aim is Allah-sanctioned killing of all enemies.  That idea comes from Muhammad, not Bin Ladin or al-Zawahiri.   And almost the same ideology is expressed by most of the Islamic groups on State�s list.   The issue, then, is not whether an organization is �core� AQ�rather,  the degree to which it's core Islamic, and the degree to which the seeds of Allah and Muhammad have germinated.

[Addendum, as of May 21, 2014: I owe the idea for the title change, as well as the importance of the "mischief" aspect of fitna, to a certain good Canadian mathematician friend.]

Friday, 30 May 2014

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Pray for Meriam


This is almost verbatim the confession of faith most used by the Holy NeoMartyrs under the Ottoman Muslim tyranny:
She appeared again before the court and declared openly and emphatically: �I am a Christian, and I will remain a Christian.�

Pray for Meriam
by Fr Daniel C. Kovalak � � May 22, 2014

�...for once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light, (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true)��Ephesians 5:8-9

Here�s a widely-reported and very troubling �breaking news� story from today�s headlines. It�s about a 27-year-old woman in Sudan, Meriam Ibrahim. She was born to a Muslim father and an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian mother. Her father abandoned the home when she was a young child. Nevertheless, in Sudan, children are expected to follow the religion of their fathers.

Three years ago, Meriam married a professing Christian man and about a year later gave birth to a son. She�s now expecting another child and is eight-plus months pregnant.

Sudanese law prohibits women from marrying non-Muslims, although men can marry whomever they want without any penalty whatsoever. So on May 11, 2014 (ironically Mothers� Day) Meriam was convicted of apostasy for rejecting Islam and was given four days to recant, which would save her life.

But unlike countless others who�ve faced similar sentences in Sudan and elsewhere, she refused to renounce her faith and convert to Islam. After four days, on May 15, she appeared again before the court and declared openly and emphatically: �I am a Christian, and I will remain a Christian.�

In response, Judge Abbas Khalifa pronounced his verdict. �I sentence you to be hanged to death.� As if this weren�t horrific enough, Meriam was also convicted by the court of committing �zena��an implication of adultery for marrying a non-Muslim. And for this alleged crime, she was also sentenced to receive 100 lashes�before the imposition of the sentence of hanging!

Currently, with her 18-month-old son and the child in her womb, Meriam remains shackled in a prison, awaiting the carrying-out of the sentences.

Ibrahim�s husband said he�s utterly distraught over the sentence and is fervently praying that it be somehow overturned.

Human rights groups worldwide have condemned the sentence, characterizing it as �heinous� and �abhorrent.� Amnesty International calls it �a flagrant breach of international human rights law.�

The U.S. National Security Council issued a statement, saying: �We continue to urge Sudan to fulfill its constitutional promise of religious freedom, and to respect the fundamental freedoms and universal human rights of all its people.� And a written report by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, citing that 60 percent of Sudan identifies as Muslim and that the nation�s president, Omar al-Bashir, seeks to enforce Sharia law, says: �Conversion from Islam is a crime punishable by death, suspected converts to Christianity face societal pressures, and government security personnel intimidate and sometimes torture those suspected of conversion.�

Meriam�s extremely poignant story is yet another contemporary example of the struggles and dangers of living a Christian life. Rightly did the Apostle Paul warn his disciple Timothy: �Indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted� (2 Timothy 3:12).

As we draw near the Great Feast of Our Lord�s Ascension, we remember the myriad lessons we�ve received during Lent, Holy Week and Pascha. The Church has offered us more sermons on Jesus Christ as �the Light of the world� than we can begin to count.  Still, we seem insistent and even content to choose the darkness of the world rather than the Light of the world. Though we�re repeatedly called to �lay aside all earthly cares,� we, like spoiled children, enthusiastically chase after them and then complain that we�re simply helpless victims of modern society! We excuse ourselves from sharing real fellowship with certain others, even fellow communicants and family members, because they (for whatever reason) irritate us while we pursue relationships with certain others whose religious faith and ideology are diametrically opposed to what we believe is �good, right and true.� We�re all in favor of human rights and human freedom and human tolerance and human justice for all�- at least until they burden MY life, limit MY freedom, challenge MY opinions, and conflict with MY understanding of justice.

Where is the heartfelt joy�that inner light of our souls�that enables us to see the glory, majesty and miracles of our God and rejoice in thanksgiving for His grace, gifts and the divine forgiveness springing from the life-creating Cross and empty tomb of Our Lord?! Are we so quick to abandon our joy, recant our faith, renounce our Risen Lord, and burn a pinch of incense to Caesar to save our lives at the expense of our souls!?

We need to pray for one another, and especially for Meriam and those like her. We need to let the Light of Christ shine in our hearts that others may see. We need to sing forever with the Church, �Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee from before His face.� We need to be able to stand in the midst of the fallen world with enough faithfulness and courage to say: �I am a Christian, and I will remain a Christian.�

Meet Australia's Muslim Power Couple



Susan Carland and Waleed Aly are exactly the type of people you�d want at your dinner party: intelligent, outspoken, engaging, charming, funny. Add Australian accents to that package and you�ve won me over in a second. 
Independently of each other, married couple Carland and Aly often serve as the public faces of Islam in Australia. Aly, 35, is a broadcaster who hosts multiple shows on both radio and TV, covering news events ranging from politics to entertainment to sports. Carland, 34, is often called on by the media to write articles or give interviews discussing her academic work on the intersection of feminism and Islam. The duo�s friends jokingly refer to them as the �Muslim Brangelina,� and it�s easy to see why. They are young, good-looking, fashionably-dressed and charitable. Like Brangelina, except sans Hollywood and plus two upcoming Ph.Ds.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

An American�s Experience with Islamic Apostasy

Not yet convinced that Islam itself is of the devil?  Read this first person narrative. � May 25, 2014

Editor�s note: The following was written for by an anonymous American teacher living in the Muslim world

One of the most prominent Muslim clerics and scholars of our time, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi

At a recent dinner party, the death sentence of Meriam Yahia Ibrahim for the crime of apostasy by a Sudanese Islamic court came up as a topic of discussion.  Not surprisingly, the progressive elements of the group did their best to defend Islam, claiming that her sentence to die by hanging was handed down by religious fanatics (not Muslim fanatics) who don�t understand the peaceful nature of Islam.

With my wife by my side, I firmly disagreed with them, stating that my three years� experience working in the Middle East has taught me that Meriam�s hanging sentence fits perfectly well within the Islamic culture.  To further my point, I mentioned a past interaction I had with a group of Sudanese Muslims who wanted to kill my wife for leaving Islam.

This event occurred a few years ago while I was working as an ESL instructor in a Saudi Arabian University.  Many of my colleagues were Sudanese Muslims and my first impression of them was very positive.  I admired them because they were hardworking and forward looking.  They were in Saudi Arabia to earn enough money to either start a family, buy a home, or invest in a business.  For many months, we shared stories regarding our families and dreams.

Knowing that I have a Thai wife who remained in Thailand while I worked in Saudi Arabia, my Sudanese co-workers would regularly ask me why I didn�t bring her to live with me in Saudi Arabia, to which I always responded, �She doesn�t like the idea of wearing the hijab in the Saudi heat nor the idea of remaining in our apartment all day while I am at work.�

To that, they would reply, �She must live that way in Saudi Arabia; that is our culture,� to which I responded, �She doesn�t like that aspect of this culture which is why she refuses to move to Saudi Arabia.�

One day, to get them off my back for good regarding that issue, I told them the whole truth about my wife not moving to Saudi Arabia.  I confided in them that my wife was a Muslim and that she converted to Buddhism in her early twenties, years before I met her, and that Saudi Arabia could be dangerous for her.

Considering these men my friends, I was hoping they would be understanding and change the topic of conversation.  After a long minute of silence, one of Sudanese looked at me and said, �Your wife must be put to death!�

I could not believe that the man whose desk was in front of mine and with whom I had numerous great conversations would say that to my face.  So, I burst out laughing and said, �You can�t be serious!� to which he replied, �Our culture requires us to kill her.�

While this exchange went on for another minute, I noticed that the other six Sudanese teachers remained very quiet.  I wondered whether they agreed or not with their colleague.  The next morning, my question was answered.  While shaking hands with all my co-teachers, I refused to shake the hand of the Sudanese who threatened my wife. He felt insulted and was furious, so I said, �How can I shake the hand of a man who wants to kill my wife.�

He replied: �But they all think like me�so why do you shake their hands.�

I responded: �They were smart enough not to say it to my face, but in your defense, you are the most honest among them.�

They stared at me in shock and awe and from that time, I rarely spoke to them.  A month later, my contract was over and I left Saudi Arabia.  From Saudi Arabia, I moved to another Muslim country and asked a female co-worker if the country would be safe for my wife because she left Islam.

She looked at me and said, �Do not bring your wife here.�

After finishing my story, I looked at the progressives at the dinner party and said, �That is what Muslims do to apostates because it is their religious duty to do so.  My friendship with my Sudanese co-workers meant nothing to them once they found out my wife left Islam.  So Meriam�s verdict and eventual hanging, if the West does not interfere, should come as no surprise to anyone who understands Islam.�

They looked at me with infuriating eyes.  I dared to break their PC rules regarding Islam and they couldn�t fight back with my wife, a potential victim, by my side.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: 'Every form of violence in the name of religion is violence against religion itself'

Which is why Islam fails utterly and is being revealed throughout all the world as a false religion. Violence against Christians and other non-Muslims, and against women, in the name of Islam is part of Islam itself. It is not only permitted but made obligatory in the supposedly eternal and unchanging words of the Quran, the example being established through the Sunnah, the life and sayings (or 'Way') of Muhammad. 

We live in a pivotal age, when Orthodox Christians should hold out to Muslims of good conscience the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and invite them to leave behind their false religion which unleashes such bloodshed and madness upon the entire planet, and come into the Church to work out their salvation with us in fear and trembling. 

In a very subtle way, this is what +Bartholomew is doing. Without being antagonistic, His All Holiness is appealing to those Muslims who retain some measure of their God-given conscience.

Message to Muslims: "Leave falsehood, embrace Truth � Leave Islam, embrace Christ."

Every form of violence in the name of religion is violence against religion itself
What is happening in Nigeria and Sudan is a dual act of wrongdoing.
Pravmir � May 18, 2014

The Ecumenical Patriarchate has witnessed with great pain and distress the recent manifestations of religious violence against women in Northern Africa, which have profoundly and justifiably concerned the global community. It expresses its outright and unequivocal condemnation of the kidnapping in Nigeria of scores of young women, who are forcibly subjected to espouse Islam. Moreover, it professes its wholehearted and unambiguous denunciation of the pregnant young Christian mother in the Sudan for refusing to espouse Islam.

[That last sentence was horribly mistranslated so as to make it sound like His All-Holiness was denouncing the pregnant Sudanese woman (Meriam Ibrahim, who has since given birth in prison) for not adopting Islam. Of course, he is denouncing the Sudanese government for condemning her to death for being a Christian.]

While on an official pastoral visit to Germany, His All-Holiness delivered a message of hope for the release of these women:

We are horrified that, in the early twenty-first century, our world still experiences such horrific and disgraceful acts of religious violence. As we have repeatedly emphasized, every form of violence in the name of religion is violence against religion itself. 
What is happening in Nigeria and Sudan is a dual act of wrongdoing: first and foremost, it is a disgrace against humanity, which we believe and proclaim is created in the image and likeness of God; and second, it is a defamation of the God, whom the great religions of the world worship as divine creator of all life. 
In Northern Africa, both believers of Islam and Christianity are obliged to promote a God of love and compassion. And the political authorities are responsible for protecting their citizens, especially the more vulnerable members of their societies. Such acts are unacceptable from the perspective of religion and morality, as well as by standards of international human rights.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate fervently prays � and urges the prayers of all its faithful, together with all people of good will � for the safe release of the young girls in Nigeria as well as the safety and life of the young mother in Sudan.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

BJP's rise in Indian politics: From 2 to 282 members of parliament (MPs) in 30 years

The Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) performance in the recent Lok Sabha election and its growth has been truly exceptional. More shocking is the fact that Congress has been reduced to less than 50 seats.

If you recall, in the 1984-85 elections, that were held soon after Indira Gandhi's assassination, Rajiv Gandhi, who was riding on the sympathy wave, had got a huge mandate. Congress had 426 members, while BJP had just 2 in the eighth Lok Sabha.

Who were these 2 BJP MPs who had won in the 1984 election? Dr AK Patel had won from Mehsana in Gujarat. The second BJP MP who had won during the Rajiv Gandhi wave was Chandupatla Janga Reddy, who had won from Hanamkonda in Andhra Pradesh.

Even Atal Bihari Vajpayee had lost in the election. In the parliament, Telugu Desam Party (TDP) was the main opposition to Congress. NTR's party had 30 members followed by CPI (M) that had 23, AIADMK (12), Independents (9), Akali Dal (7), AGP (7), CPI (6), Congress S (5), Lok Dal (4), Unattached (4).

The BJP was much behind, along with Kerala Cngress, DMK, Muslim League and the nominated, who were two each. But within a few years, Rajiv Gandhi's popularity saw a decline. The BJP began mobilising people in the name of Hindutva.

In the name of Hindutva

As Ayodhya movement gathered steam, Rajiv Gandhi took such steps that proved costly to the party. Either it was 'shilanyas' or the Shah Bano issue, both hurt the Congress in the long run. 'Mr Clean' VP Singh raised 'Bofors' issue successfully and BJP strength went up from 2 to 86.

The National Front-led by VP Singh came to power but ultimately the Ram Janmabhumi-Babri Masjid issue led to the fall of the government. Despite the communal frenzy, the BJP could not manage to form the government. Its reach was limited to North India then.

Steady rise in the nineties

Another reason was that Congress was still a sort of 'default party' to vote for, in most parts of the country. After that, the BJP improved its tally. But despite Atal Bihari Vajpayee at the helm, it could never cross 200. It hovered between 121 and 189.

Even in the beginning of 2013, the BJP appeared to be a divided house. But then Narendra Modi was chosen to lead the party and steadily the campaign picked up steam in later months. The result was astonishing as the party could a majority on its own.

This was only the second time when a non-Congress government managed to form government on its own. In 1977, after emergency, it was during the anti-Indira wave, that the Janata Party (JP) had managed to win over 300 seats. But even then, the Congress was a strong force with more than 150 seats in Lok Sabha.

Right-wing becomes the mainstream in India

Even before BJP's rise, there were right-wing parties but they were fringe players. Either it was Jan Sangh, the Ram Rajya Parishad or the Hindu Mahasabha, none of these political parties managed to capture the popular support.

Indian voter had other alternatives. It was only in the fourth and fifth Lok Sabha that Jana Sangh seemed to be emerging as a bigger group. Else, these parties remained on the margins of Indian polity. However, the Congress' failure led to the growth of BJP in the last three decades.

The Watershed 

But 2014 proved to be watershed, as decisive victory to BJP is another thing and the decimation of Congress is another aspect.

The party's dismal performance shows how Congress has failed to put forth its ideology and hasn't been able to connect with youths who seem to have less appeal in Congress' vision and are drifting towards the right-wing.

If it was just an exceptional election, then it's ok. But Congress can't afford to be complacent. No big state in India remains with the Congress, either in North or in the South.Is the BJP becoming the default party for a majority of Indians, especially, the youngsters! Congressmen have to draw lessons from this defeat. Will they?


1. Muslims' disenchantment with Congress: "I am not a Congress supporter but glad at its loss"
2. Congress' failure to highlight UPA government's 'achievements'

Monday, 26 May 2014

Unlawful killing of two Palestinian teens outside Ofer

Where is the concern for Palestinian children and their safety? Where is the social media campaign for #stopkillingourboys?

This shocking video shows the unprovoked, cold-blooded killings of two Palestinian teenagers, 17-year-old Nadim Siam Nuwara, and 16-year-old Muhammad Mahmoud Odeh Abu al-Thahir on 15 May near Ofer military prison in the occupied West Bank city of Beitunia.
Both boys were fatally shot with live ammunition. The video was obtained by Defence for Children International - Palestine Section (DCI-Palestine) which sent the following description to The Electronic Intifada:
The CCTV footage was captured by cameras mounted on the building where the incident took place, which is owned by Fakher Zayed.
�The images captured on video show unlawful killings where neither child presented a direct and immediate threat to life at the time of their shooting,� said Rifat Kassis, executive director of DCI-Palestine. �These acts by Israeli soldiers may amount to war crimes, and the Israeli authorities must conduct serious, impartial, and thorough investigations to hold the perpetrators accountable for their crimes.�
Nadim Siam Nuwara, 17, sustained a fatal gunshot wound to the chest. Muhammad Mahmoud Odeh Abu al-Thahir, 16, sustained a fatal gunshot wound to the back.
The boys were participating in a demonstration near Ofer military prison to mark Nakba Day and express solidarity with hunger striking prisoners currently held in administrative detention by Israel. The demonstration reportedly began peacefully and then turned violent when Israeli forces clashed with Palestinian youth.
The deaths on Thursday raise the number of Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces in 2014 to four, according to data collected by DCI-Palestine. Over 1,400 Palestinian children have been killed as a result of Israeli military and settler presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 2000.
The Israeli military�s own regulations dictate that live ammunition must be used �only under circumstances of real mortal danger,� but the regulations are not enforced and frequently ignored by Israeli soldiers, according to research by DCI-Palestine.

For more info see: 

Saturday, 24 May 2014

"He culturally believed he had the right to hit his wife and discipline his wife.�



 I hope he enjoys the dhal in prison! So disgusted....

A Pakistani immigrant beat his wife to death in their Brooklyn home after she made the mistake of cooking him lentils for dinner instead of the hearty meal of goat meat that he craved, according to court papers.
Noor Hussain, 75, was so outraged over the vegetarian fare that he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussain, 66, with a stick until she was a �bloody mess,� according to prosecutors and court papers.
�Defendant asked [his wife] to cook goat and [his wife] said she made something else,� the court papers indicated as Hussain�s murder trial opened on Wednesday.
�The conversation got louder and [his wife] disrespected defendant by cursing at defendant and saying motherf-?-ker, and . . . defendant took a wooden stick and hit her with it on her arm and mouth.�
Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussain beat his wife � but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn�t intend to kill her. In Pakistan, Clark said, beating one�s wife is customary.
�He comes from a culture where he thinks this is appropriate conduct, where he can hit his wife,� Clark said in her opening statements at the Brooklyn Supreme Court bench trial. �He culturally believed he had the right to hit his wife and discipline his wife.�
Prosecutors, however, said Hussain meant for his wife to die.
�His intentions were to kill his wife,� Assistant District Attorney Sabeeha Madni said in court. �This was not a man who was trying to discipline his wife.�
Madni said that Hussain �brutally attacked his wife as she lay in her bed� � leaving deep lacerations on her head, arms and shoulders, and causing her brain to hemorrhage.
He beat her with a stick that the family had found in the street and used to stir their laundry in a washtub, the court papers state.
He then tried to clean up the blood that had splattered onto their bedroom wall before calling his son for help, Madni said.
�I killed her. Hurry up and come over,� Hussain told his son, according to prosecutors.
Madni also said Pakistani women who lived in the same building as the Hussains would testify about the beatings Nazar received at the hands of her husband.
�They have told us about years of abuse they witnessed,� Madni said.
Hussain met his wife in Pakistan and the couple married before moving to Brooklyn, prosecutors said.
The trial continues Thursday before Judge Matthew D�Emic.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Global outcry as Sudanese woman sentenced to death for renouncing Islam


What a disgrace!! A great injustice and an example of oppression and patriarchy is woman was never Muslim her monther is Christian and she raised her Christian her Muslims father was absent!! Yet men decide she must ber Muslims and hasa apostasized! I'm so disgusted.  

A heavily pregnant young woman has been sentenced to death in Sudan for renouncing Islam and marrying a Christian man, in a case which has attracted global condemnation.

Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27, was told by a court in Khartoum she would be hanged for committing apostasy by leaving Islam and becoming a Christian. She was also sentenced to 100 lashes for marrying a non-Muslim, which constitutes adultery under Sudanese law.
Mrs Ibrahim is eight months pregnant and has been held since February in Omdurman Federal Women�s Prison, north of Khartoum, with her 18-month-old son Martin. On Sunday she was told that she had three days to recant her faith or face death, but appearing in court yesterday she refused, saying she had always been a Christian.

According to human rights organisation Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Mrs Ibrahim was born in western Sudan to Muslim father and a Christian mother. Her father left when she was six, so her mother raised her as a Christian. She married Daniel Wani, a Christian from southern Sudan who has US citizenship, in 2011.
The charity added that three witnesses from western Sudan had travelled to the hearing to testify that Mrs Ibrahim had always been a Christian, but were prevented from giving evidence.

It is understood that the death sentence will not be enacted for two years after she has given birth, but that the punishment of 100 lashes could be carried out as soon as her baby is born. Mrs Ibrahim�s lawyers are intending to launch an appeal, which could take several months.

Full article

Monday, 19 May 2014

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and the Double-Bind of Muslim Women�s Rights



 Great artice by Rochelle Terman.

To be clear: There are plenty of great reasons to reject Hirsi Ali for an honorary degree besides the fact that she represents one extreme of the double-bind. Contrary to the claims by right-wing pundits, Hirsi Ali was rejected for an honorary degree at Brandeis University because she espouses deplorable positions, not because she�s a �critic of Islam.� And we need not invalidate or belittle her personal experience with gender violence to find her political positions and actions deplorable.

Take, for instance, her bigotry (She calls Islam �a destructive, nihilistic cult of death� and called Islamophobia a �myth�); or her militarism (�we are at war with Islam� and must �crush� the enemy with force); of course, her paranoia and fear-mongering (�there is infiltration of Islam in the schools and universities of the West�) is also illustrate of her unworthiness.  There is also her hypocrisy (she�s a self-purported advocate for free speech but advocates the abolition of Muslim schools, saying �All Muslim schools. Close them down.�) And her apologetic stance towards right-wing terrorism, extremism, and fascism (she said Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik�s views were �censored� and that  �he had no other choice but to use violence�) is yet another indicator of her views and politics.
These are the legitimate grounds upholding the reversal of Hirsi Ali�s honorary degree, not airing our dirty laundry. The real issue in the Brandeis debate is (or should be) her and not how people might interpret her.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

An Indian Muslim's letter to Congress leadership: "I am not a BJP supporter but I am glad to see Congress' defeat in Lok Sabha election"


I am not a BJP supporter and there is hardly any chance that I would ever be in future but the rout of Congress in Lok Sabha election 2014, has given me satisfaction.

I find strange that some of my Muslim friends were gloomy at the Congress' loss. I have always found this mental slavery as nauseating. I would have understood had they been disappointed with the performance of non-Congress, non-BJP parties.

Or if you are die-hard anti-BJP man, the stellar performance of the party [and NDA] may have been disappointing for you. But sadness at Congress' defeat is just not understandable to me.

The reasons are here:


1. Congress is the party that can get away with 'massacres' and 'genocides' without even a whimper. Imagine, how more than 50 Muslims were killed in Assam recently, and it was no issue for the 'secular' party. Within three days, it was all forgotten, buried.

There was no demand to sack Tarun Gogoi, who now offers his resignation for poor performance in election! Just over a year ago, there was similar massacre in Bodoland in Assam. Which other party would have been able to skirt it so easily? Congress did, and nobody, not even media, questions it.


2. Congress does hardly anything in terms of welfare measures or preferential treatment for Muslims, yet gives the impression, that it has 'appeased' Muslims for ages. It doesn't even deny this false charge, because it suits it and helps it gain sympathy of minorities and their votes.

Where in India are Muslims appeased? Are they in government jobs or private sector? Riots, encounters, killings, continue unabated and yet the minorities are appeased. Wonderful strategy.


3. All the parties talk about Gujarat riots [2002] and then it goes back to Congress' failure in handling the anti-Sikh massacre [riots] of 1984. But how conveniently, Congress forgets all the riots during its regime until recently [Assam].

The riots of Meerut, Moradabad, Bhagalpur, Ferozabad, are history. But what about 1992-93 Mumbai riots, when in two separate rounds, more than 2,000 people were killed. That is recent history, much after 1984. Isn't it? Sudhakar Rao Naik was Chief Minister of Maharashtra then.

Yet, Congress that always promised to implement the Sri Krishna Commission report, never honoured the promise. Prosecution sanctions were not given even in cases against police constables who had opened fire on innocent Muslims, let alone officials.

Congress and its bureaucracy was always intent to saving the killers of Mumbai riots, and other riots. There was never firm action. Had the Congress acted against BJP and Shiv Sena's men involved in riots, history would have been different. But it remained soft and today, it is almost finished.


4. After its defeat in late 90s, it realised that it had lost Dalits, Tribals and Muslims, its core vote.

In 2004, when Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government lost, Congress again came back to power.

The justice Rajinder Sachar panel was appointed to submit its report over the socio-economic condition of minorities.

The panel's report clearly showed, how much disadvantaged Muslims have been, and how their representation is low, in jobs.

But for the next ten years, it didn't do anything. The party perhaps felt that it would invite 'majority backlash', which has come anyhow. How it feels, Sonia ji, Rahul ji?


5. In the last ten years, Indian Muslims suffered the worst. There were indiscriminate arrests, fake encounters, branding in the name of terror. It was repeatedly revealed in reports that Congress-ruled Maharashtra led in atrocities on Muslims.

Azamgarh was defamed during Congress rule. BJP was not in power, either in UP or at the Centre. But Congress did nothing to erase the perception or take action against those who used such words. Its police, special cell, and agencies, went on with their actions.

Yet, the genuine demand for a judicial probe in Batla House encounter, was turned down. We don't ask you to speak or act for us but we expected you to be at least transparent. You did nothing. In fact, in cases against right-wing extremists too, there was slackness, as you feared 'backlash'.

Bureaucrats fed you and you believed it, more so, because that was your intent too. Have a nice time, you deserve it. When the trends were coming and it showed 50-55 seats, I wished you would go to less than 50. It happened.


6. Either in Dhule or in Gopalgarh, Muslims were shot in the chests and head. All these were acts of unprovoked firing. The police were controlled by your government in both states then. But as always, Rajasthan and Maharashtra chief ministers did their best to hush up these incidents.

There is no end to such cases if one starts compiling. The problem is that the mindset is such that atrocities under Congress rule were ignored. Congress was not questioned [even by media]. It may seem harsh but it is the truth that Congress' secularism was flawed, yes.

It lowered the bar and still gave the impression that it was appeasing minorities, though it did the opposite. Just barely a month ago, in Maharashtra's Mumbra, excessive police action took place, and there was no action by Prithvi Raj Chouhan government. Citizens are rid off the arrogant self-styled champions of minorities, great.


7. There is tremendous talk of 'appeasement' but whenever there was a case of 'hate speech', Congress governments had a selective approach. Muslim leaders like Owaisi and Imran Masood were booked and jailed and it was a welcome move. But Pravin Togadia was never arrested.

In Maharashtra, after much pressure and media intervention, a case was registered. But the police didn't arrest him. You let down the words like 'secularism', 'justice', and 'law'. You pandered to them and they are having the last laugh, now


8. Muslims and Christians among Dalits, Tribals [SCs, STs] can't get benefit of reservation. It is not a law passed by parliament that can make such a distinction that certain communities or religious groups alone are entitled to reservation, while the rest are not.

The discriminatory distinction was made possible by 'secular' Congress through the backdoor entry. They had brought a Presidential ordinance to ensure that the backward Muslims or Christians don't get the benefits of reservation. They have succeeded in it for over 60 years. Despite protests, there has never been a slight attempt to undo the historic injustice.


9. Whether you like it nor not, the BJP has an ideology. Congress doesn't seem to have any ideology. All these years, when BJP targeted it for 'appeasement', Congress did little to spread its ideology or tell its people, or cadre, why secularism is important.

On the other hand, in states, RSS kept expanding. Wherever BJP formed government, the dozens of RSS' institutions in diverse fields, expanded. They got land and all possible help. Today, they are running colleges, hostels, orphanages, doing social work.

In process, its workers and sympathisers also got financially independent. Naturally, they had the freedom to spread ideology while they had no worries about doing something else to earn money. What was Congress doing? Its ground workers have nothing to do except 'kaam karwane ke liye paisa lena, playing the role of middle-men, the euphemism for bribe, for survival.


10. Congress attacked the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), quite often. Its leaders even blamed the Sangh for its cadre's involvement in extremist acts. Definitely, lot of people were arrested. If Congress wished it could have banned the Sangh long back.

It didn't. When people belonging to banned groups are arrested, no one questions or asks if they are indeed member of that group or have a membership receipt. In the case of Sangh, the defence was always that the person may have been a worker but had left us and we keep no record.

Who taught this strategy to them and how you believed it, innocently. Either it had no evidence or it lacked the will. Digvijay Singh was most vocal and said that he had record, but why these records weren't used? Had Congress acted tough, the Sangh wouldn't have grown so powerful. Today, the Congress may have realised the RSS' strength.


The Congress often said that if BJP came to power, it will be bad for minorities, especially, Muslims. This is unjustified and only aimed at keeping minorities at the Congress' side.

In 1977, Muslims like the rest of India, voted against Congress. Earlier, SVD governments had come to power in many states. In later years, non-Congress governments became the norm in many states. NDA came to power at the Centre.

In states like Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, Muslims have been living in BJP rule, without riots, and in a much better situation than in Congress-ruled Maharashtra or Assam. Muslims are no cowards who would tremble at anyone's name.

It is a democracy and citizens have the right to change the government. If India decided to throw you out of power and vote the BJP, then this is also a welcome mandate. Muslims have no fear or apprehension, after having suffered innumerable riots in Congress-regimes as well as BJP and other regimes in the past.


12. The list of damage done by Congress to Muslims is long. The Congress in UP, after independence, acted with vengeance against Muslims. It is the only state in India, where despite being an official language, Urdu medium schools can't be opened. 

This is violation of the universal right of a child to be able to study in his mother tongue, and a question of principle and rights. As a result, poor Muslim families who can't afford educating kids in private schools, have no option but to send their children to madarsas.

The law hasn't been changed, despite protests for decades. More than 10 lakh signatures were collected, loaded in truck and taken to Delhi, long back by Zakir Husain. Still, nothing happened. Muslims abandoned Congress in UP-Bihar, and later in the rest of India, wherever there was a third option.


Initially, I thought, it should be titled as 'Letter to Rahul Gandhi (or Sonia Gandhi), but later I realised that perhaps it is all futile. For ten years, they run the government but couldn't honour the basic promises like implementation of Sachar panel report, then what's the point of expecting it from them.

If an ordinary Muslim wants to talk to Congress, there is no option. Other parties and their leaders are on Twitter and Facebook. But not Rahul Gandhi. People don't even have the satisfaction that they have at least conveyed their concern or sent their suggestions.

If you try Congress' in-house portal, Khirki, then also there is no response. I don't know if Rahul Gandhi has ever visited any ordinary Muslim's household to talk about his aspirations and expectations. So-called 'elite' leaders like Salman Khurshid or others like Ahmad Patel are considered 'Muslim leaders'.

Numerous delegations met Congress leaders and PM Manmohan Singh about indiscriminate arrests of Muslim youths, about false terror cases, about inquiry in Batla House, and other issues, but there was never any action.

This blog has been running for almost a decade now. On this blog earlier too, I criticised Congress more often. As there was expectation from it. There was perhaps a feeling that it will ever take some corrective measures.

But Congress couldn't listen and understand. It is this party that has treated Muslims and many other sections of the country, like dirt. No wonder, Muslims voted for AAP and other parties, wherever they had an option.

In Delhi, in all seats, AAP emerged second. One would probably be a fool to imagine or hope that Congress will learn. In fact, it will just hope that five years later, people would give it a chance again. But that is plain wishful thinking.

May 17, 2014

[This blogger has neither been a BJP supporter, nor a Congress supporter. For those who are neither for one party or the other, we will keep voting for non-Congress, non-BJP parties. For you, it may be 'wasted votes', but that's my choice, in principle, always]

Friday, 16 May 2014

Lowest number of Muslim MPs ever in Parliament: 22 or barely 4% in Lok Sabha, no Muslim elected from Uttar Pradesh (UP) in 2014 election

The results of the 2014 elections have brought out many surprises.

Apart from Narendra Modi-led BJP's landslide win and the crushing defeat of Congress, Mayawati's Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has also been decimated.

As far as Muslim representation is concerned, just 22 Muslims have won in the election, which is be probably the lowest tally ever.

In fact, for the first time since Independence,it seems that there will be no Muslim MP from Uttar Pradesh (UP) in the Lok Sabha.

The state which has nearly 4 crore [40 million] Muslims has nearly 70 Muslims in the Assembly and routinely sent 6-8 members in the parliament. However, almost all the Muslim candidates of SP, BSP and Congress lost in the wave.

The BJP is leading in nearly 70 constituencies in the State. Veteran leaders like Shafiqurrahman Barq are also trailing. The counting is still on and there may be a slight change but the trends clearly show that it will be a house with lesser Muslim MPs, probably, just 3.85% in the lower house of the parliament. Generally, there have been 28 to 40 Muslims in Lok Sabha.

Muslims win from 11 political parties

Muslim candidates have from different parties including All India Trinamool Congress (AITC), CPM, Congress, RJD, NCP, LJP, AIMIM, AIUDF, PDP, IUML and AIADMK. No Muslim has won on BJP ticket. Also, none of JDU, NC or DMK's Muslim candidates could win.


On the basis of trends, it can be safely said that seven Muslims may win from West Bengal, four from Bihar [including Tariq Anwar, Taslimuddin], two from Kerala [IUML], two from Assam, four from Jammu & Kashmir that include three PDP candidates and possibly one independent, one from AP, one from Tamil Nadu [AIADMK's Anwar Raja], Lakshadweep et al.

The figure would be 20 or 21, once the final results are out. Asaduddin Owaisi is leading from Hyderabad on MIM ticket while Congress has done so badly that in Lakshadweep too the Congress candidate has lost to NCP's Muslim candidate.

Final list of Muslim candidates winning the 2014 Lok Sabha election. The complete list of winners:

West Bengal (7*)

Idris Ali, AITC, from Basirhat
Sultan Ahmad, AITC, from Uluberia
Mohammad Salim, CPI (Marxist), from Raiganj
Badrudduja Khan, CPI (Marxist), from Murshidabad
Mausam Noor, Congress, from Malda North
Abu Hashem Khan Chaudhary, Congress from Malda South
Dr Mamtaz Sanghamita, AITC, from Burdwan-Durgapur

Tasleemuddin, RJD, from Araria
Tariq Anwar, NCP, from Katihar
Chaudhary Mahboob Ali Qaisar, LJP, from Khagaria
Mohd Asrarul Haq Qasmi, Congress, from Kishanganj

Andhra Pradesh [now Telangana]
Asadudduin Owaisi, AIMIM, from Hyderabad

Sirajuddin Ajmal, AIUDF, from Barpeta
Badurddin Ajmal, AIUDF, from Dhubri

J and K
Mehbooba Mufti, PDP, from Anantnag
Muzaffar Husain Baig, PDP, from Baramulla
Tariq Hameed Karra, PDP, from Srinagar

E Ahamed, IUML, from Malappuram
ET Mohammad Bashir, IUML, from Ponnani
MI Shanavas, Congress, from Wayanad

Tamil Nadu
Anwar Raja, AIADMK, from Ramanathapuram

Mohammad Faisal PP, NCP, from Lakshadweep

National Conference decimated too

National Conference hasn't won a single seat in J&K. It shows the people's disenchantment with Omar Abdullah's government. Even Farooq Abdullah lost the election. From Ghulam Nabi Azad to Salman Khurshid and Mohammad Azharuddin, many prominent Congress 'leaders' were defeated.

However, these are just statistics. Having more MPs, doesn't necessarily work at all for a community [see the links below]. Many of the Congress' Muslim MPs have been useless. In fact, so many of them never asked a single question in the Parliament during five years.

It's better to have non-Muslim candidates who are just and speak for the problems of all people, rather, than MPs who won just because of the qualification that they were Muslim.

*[Just for the record, an MP in West Bengal had recently had religious conversion. Aparupa Poddar alias Afrin Ali, AITC, from Arambagh. I have mentioned this fact solely because someone may find difference in the count]

For list of winners in each state and constituencies, you can check the ECI's website HERE


1. First Lok Sabha had 24 Muslims: Recalling the Muslim candidates who won in the first general election
2. Of our 'so-called Muslim' leaders: Salman Khurshid, Ahmad Patel and those thrust on us by Congress
3. Less Muslim MPs in Lok Sabha but no regret
4. Should there be Muslim ministers in union cabinet?

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Trend of talking about morale of police force if action taken against police for killing an innocent: Journalists siding with killer cops, showing insensitivity towards victims!

In Karnataka, Anti Naxal Force (ANF) constable Naveen Naik had killed a youth, Mohammad Kabeer, 23, by firing him with AK 47 because the policemen 'mistook' him to be a Naxalite.

This news didn't make it to national headlines, especially, in North India because of the Lok Sabha elections. The incident had occurred last month in Chikmanglur.

The policeman, Naik had shot at Kabeer repeatedly. He fired nine rounds. Three bullets hit Kabeer, who died on the spot. It was clearly a case of extra-judicial killing.

After the murder, the defence of the ANF was that they 'suspected him to be a Naxal'. It was too big an offence to be hushed up. The effort to paint him as 'illegal cattle trader' to get sympathies of right-wing and turn it into a communal issue also failed, as it was a clear case of murder in cold-blood.

The BJP was against booking the policeman and its state chief even opposed compensation to the  youth's family. BJP leader CT Ravi said, "The incident was accidental, no doubt....but youths have been involved in illegal transportation of cattle". The BJP leaders said it was 'appeasement'.

Isn't it shocking that for BJP, even a murder is appeasement! In several regions in Karnataka, Bajrang Dal and Ram Sene have created frenzy in the name of cattle trade. It has become a big extortion industry, and it is used to demonise the minorities.

Bureucratic pressure on government, public

In fact, it was not just politicians, but police officials and bureaucrats also tried their best to save the policeman. There were attempts that the case of murder was not registered apart from objecting to the accused policeman's arrest also.

It was clear that many police officials wanted to save Naik. Even Home Minister KJ George earlier spoke in the same tone as the opposition party. After CM Siddaramaiah's intervention, and due to rising anger and protests, the accused policeman was booked and arrested.

However, the case was not handed to CBI despite demands from different sections of civil society. The CID has been given the task to conduct an inquiry in this case. Kabeer and his four companions were travelling in a pick-up truck when they were stopped. The allegation was that Kabir tried to escape and ANF commando (constable rank) shot him dead.

Questionable role of section of media that sides with 'killer cops'

On April 27, Indian Express reported, 'ANF has not halted operations over constable arrest; Home minister', a six column lead news on page 2.

It said that 'home minister denied reports that the ANF went on strike in protest against Naik's arrest', in the end of the story. Which reports? Express didn't clarify.

In fact, after any such incident, it is quite often seen how stories are 'planted', about 'the morale being down among cops'. So are cops emotion-less, killers? No. Policemen also have families and many of them are just and unbiased.

They are aware, what it means when an innocent is killed. However, planted stories are aimed to creating pressure on government. So whose side are you? For the victim or for the killer? Let the law takes its own course and the case be tried in court.

Actually, the Indian Express itself carried a report by Harsha Raj Gatti, which says, in the first paragraph that the ANF has suspended its operation attributing it to 'sources', (no official or ANF sources either), though in the second para, it carries Home Minister's version that the ANF hasn't gone on strike after the cop's arrest.

Read further, it says, "Sources in ANF said night patrolling and combing had come to a halt and only occasional daytime patrolling was being carried out following a drain in morale after ANF constable Naveen G Naik was arrested for shooting the youth, Kabeer."

Again, the talk of low morale! Which policemen said it? Or who asked the journalists about it? Are we a banana republic where cops have the immunity to kill and if they murder someone, they should not be arrested, because it will affect their morale? Is it a military ruled country or dicatorship where citizens have no rights or no sense of jusice?

Here again, Indian Express reported that how 'probe' 'reveals' that ANF cop fired when the youth fled. Apparently, there is nothing too shocking in this news report. But it, in fact, suggests that the cops fired because he fled, as if it was justified! How innocent.

The fact is that the youth was not a Naxalite at all. But he was killed, though he was not wanted for any offence and had committed no crime. But journalists 'intelligently', do their bit, trying to make it sould differently, and watering down the cop's crime.

If you read all these reports [see links below] you will find not an iota of sympathy for the victim or his kin. Strangely,  you find how there is an attempt to water down the crime by talking about , 'bullets were not fired on chest', 'report saying he was shot when he fled', and about 'morale affected' without any substantiation or quotes. It is not about singling out Indian Express.

It is about how section of journalists for whom there is no relative sense of justice. The journalists who should be totally unbiased [if they are not concerned towards citizens] seem to be taking side for the men in Khaki, even if they err.

This is a sad trend for journalism and the society. Newspapers should talk about getting justice for the common man. Ironically, in the cas of poor, or those who are not VIPs, such killings are treated in a similar manner.

However, if police raids a joint and catches VIP's kids snorting drugs, there is talk of police excesses and need for action. Journalists interact with officials and policemen on a regular basis and somehow get more 'protective' of the policemen, rather, than doing their own job.

The journalists should report plainly, the facts, intead of manipulations to save the skin of those responsible of crime. It hurts the victims, the weak, who don't have a voice, as it makes it even difficult for them to get justice. See the three reports and do you find any sensitivity or concern towards the victim:

Report 1, Report 2 and Report 3

Trend observed recently:

1. If a vendor or auto-driver is thrashed or beaten to death by policemen, the news is increasingly been ignored. The reason given in newsrooms is that 'Who wants to read it?'. In English newspapers [also in Hindi newspapers now], it is said that this news is 'not for TG'. TG means target group. The auto-walla or thela-wala is not supposed to be a potential reader and also news related to him will not interest large number of readers, it is believed

2. If policeman kills an ordinary or poor man in custody, there are less attempts to get the versions of victims' kin. Rather, the versions of policemen are prominently published. A superior officer's statement about 'we will look into it' or about clean-chit is promptly published. The reason is that speaking for the victim doesn't help you, however, the cops' clout helps journalists in their daily lives. So it is, probably, always more 'useful' to file reports about cop's morale so as to be on their side and keep them in good humour.

3. When policemen catch women for flesh-trade and parade them, to show their success in catching a major crime, or indulge in moral policing, the journalists clap. However, if there is a raid at a pool party or a rave party, where youngsters from the rich and upper middle class are found with drugs or other 'immoral' activities, this set of journalists get hyper-active and blame police of excessive action and using its energy in the wrong direction.

This is aggravation of the same tendency which was witnessed in general cases earlier. Like in cases of accidents, if 10 persons die in a locality populated by low income group, it will not get the prominence, compared to even a few injuries in a mishap in a 'posh' locality.

[*Read about the killings of Ranveer Singh and Kuldeep HERE]
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