Saturday, 1 December 2012

Do Good To Get Good

A couple were once seated for meals. Suddenly a knock was heard at the door from a beggar standing outside. The husband in a fit of rage approached the beggar, scolded him and chased him away. As time passed it so happened that this wealthy man became poor.


He lost his entire empire and eventually even ended up divorcing his wife.

Life continued. She remarried and now was seated for meals with her new husband. Again a knock was heard at the door from a beggar. Her husband told her: �Take this food which was prepared for us and give it to the beggar outside.�

She did as he instructed her but she returned crying. She replied: �The beggar outside was my previous husband.� Then she related to him the entire incident which transpired between her previous husband and his abuse to that beggar. Her new husband then told her: �By the qasm of Allah, I am that very same beggar.� (Al Mustatraf vol 1 pg 24)

Lesson: If you have been blessed with prosperity and ease, never regard it as your achievement. Also, do not look down upon those who are less fortunate or treat them with pride and arrogance. Instead, be humble and grateful to Allah Ta�ala and treat His creation with compassion and kindness. Otherwise, the tables could turn.

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