Thursday, 31 January 2013

You Can't Be a Good Muslim If You Are Not a Good Human

As we keep on listening and saying this that Islamic is a complete way of life and not just about praying and some other rituals unlike other religions. For example Islam tells you how to live, how to do business, how to eat, how to marry, how to treat others. in-short Islam tells us every way for living our life in a good manner.


Islam makes us a human a good human. a person can't become a good Muslim if he is not a good human. You will find verses of the Quran and Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad SAW about all the matters of life no matter they are small matters of life or the big ones.

For example here are some Hadiths giving guidance to us about matters of life:

Prophet Muhammad SAW said a person who is not trustworthy has no faith and whoever breaches his pledge has no religion.

In another Hadith Rasool Allah SAW said Fear Allah and treat your children [small or grown] fairly (with equal justice).

In Hadith regarding controlling anger Prophet SAW said a strong man is not he who defeats his adversary by wrestling, but a strong man is he who controls himself at the time of anger.

Lets move to another Hadith. Prophet of Allah SAW says Feed the hungry, visit the sick and set free the captives.

Similarly take any matter of life and you will find guidance for it In Islam. Islam will even tell you the method of divorce and will also guide you about how to stay clean and pure. and if you will follow Islam in your life then it also gives you good news of Heaven in the hereafter.

Now you decide Islam makes us a Good human being or not? and if it makes then don't wait to follow it.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

9 Best Muslim Cities of The World

There are more than 50 countries in the world where Muslim population is in majority. Muslims are 2nd biggest community of the world and also the largest growing. There are many awesome Muslim populated cities around the world that are popular for different reasons.

Following i have made a list of some of the best Muslim cities of the World.

Istanbul: Istanbul Is the capital city of Turkey that has many amazing places. its population is 13.5 million.


Dubai: Dubai is famous all around the world for its awesome buildings. its in UAE.


Karachi: Karachi is the largest city of Muslim World. its In Pakistan and considered commercial hub of Pakistan. its population is around 20 million.


Cairo: its capital of Egypt and biggest city of middle east as well.


Jakarta: its the capital of Indonesia.


Kuala Lumpur: its capital city of Malaysia.


Lahore: Lahore is a historical city of Pakistan. its having population of 10 million.


Makkah - its considered holiest Islamic city of the world. its in Saudi Arabia.


Damascus - its a beautiful city of Syria.


these were some of the most awesome Muslim populated cities in the world.

Life In Grave According To Islam

As we all know that this life is not permanent and we will die one day. some of us will live for 30 years and some for 100 years but one thing is guaranteed that death will come for sure. When we die we are buried in grave.


As Muslims we believe that there is a life after this life as well.  most of other religions also gives concept of life after death. Allah has said in the Quran "We will raise you into a form of which you have not the slightest knowledge".

According to Islamic belief Life in grave is true and a person will stay in grave until the day of Judgement comes and then he will be picked up from his grave.  Rasool Allah SAW said Seek Allah's protection from the Punishment of the Grave, since punishment of the Grave is true.

According to Islam when a person is buried in grave and people goes back the soul of that person is restored but that life is of a special type different from life of this world. the name given to that life is al-barzakh.

in the grave three questions are asked first of all by angels. Who is your Lord? Who is your Prophet and what is your religion? a believer answers these questions by Allah, Muhammad Pbuh and Islam respectively while a unbeliever gives the answer i don't know for all of these questions.

the believer feels comfortable and do rest like he is sleeping in the grave while a non-believer is punished.

Many people who would have done some good and some bad deeds. they will be punished in the grave and after completing their punishment they will get the peace and on day of Judgement they will be entered in paradise and saved from hell because they would have already completed their punishment in the grave.

This is the concept of Grave Life in Islam. Everyone of us should prepare ourselves for the test of grave and Judgement day.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

5 Tips For Muslims To Come Out Of Crises

Despite being second biggest population in the world the Muslim Ummah continues to face many crises even in the year 2012. Muslims are facing many dangerous internal as well as external problems.


By internal problems i mean that Muslims are having problems with each other like Sectarianism and wars with each other. Muslims are killing each other and hurting each other instead of being united like brothers. by external problems i mean the foreign threats that Muslims are facing from other powers of the world.

Here are some of the tips by following whom Muslims can come out of the crises in this year.

End Sectarianism: Sectarianism is proving out to be a dangerous disease for the Muslims. we are fighting with each other on Shia Sunni Wahabi basis while the Quran teaches us to be united and not divided otherwise we will be in trouble. Enemies of Muslims uses these sectarian differences to hurt us. So we need to rise above sects and just be Muslim.

Follow Quran and Hadith: We Muslims as a whole has stopped following the teachings of Quran and Hadith. Sunnah is no more important for us. Things declared Haram In Quran and Hadith are openly used by Muslims. this is another cause of present crises.

Get Modern Knowledge: Along with education of Quran and Hadith we also need to get modern knowledge. we need to make the education common. we need quality universities where scientific researches can be done.

Make United Organizations: Muslims need to make powerful United organizations of countries like United Nations or European Union. When we will be united we will be save.

Get Advance in Media: Muslims need to get advance in Media. we need our own TV channels that can face channels like CNN, BBC.

By following these 5 tips we Muslims can really change the situation for ourselves otherwise we will continue to face the hard time.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Makkah HD Wallpapers 2013

Makkah is considered to be holiest Islamic city in the world which is located in Saudi Arabia. In Makkah most sacred Islamic place Masjid Al Haram is located. Kaaba is also in Masjid Al Haram in whose direction Muslim prays.

Here are Makkah HD Wallpapers 2013.











Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Islam Symbol

Islamic Symbol contains a moon crescent and a star. however this symbol was not used at time of Prophet Muhammad SAW and was introduced many centuries later. here are some pictures of Islamic Symbol.








Monday, 14 January 2013

Eid Milad Un Nabi 12th Rabi Ul Awal In Islam

Islamic Month of Rabi Ul Awal 1434 and according to Gregorian Calendar Rabi Ul Awal 2013 has started two days ago. In this month many Muslims celebrates Eid Milad Un Nabi on 12th date of Rabi Ul Awal by claiming that it is the birthday of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.


People do too much decorations of lights on this day and go out to enjoy. but the question that is important here is should we celebrate Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW on 12th Rabi Ul Awal or not? to answer this question i will be sharing some important points below one by one:

1 It is not 100% confirmed that Prophet Muhammad SAW was born on 12th Rabi Ul Awal. we found different dates in the history. According to Abdul Qadir Jilani R.A Prophet SAW was born on 9th Rabi Ul Awal.

2 Rasool Allah SAW never himself told the date on which he was born.

3 Prophet SAW never celebrated his birthday.

4 Sahaba never celebrated birthday of Prophet SAW and not done anything special on 9th or 12th Rabi Ul Awal unlike many of us do.

6 Eid Milad Un Nabi which is declared third Eid by some people is a invention which was created centuries after Rasool Allah SAW. We find nothing like Eid Milad Un Nabi in Hadiths or even in books of four Imams.

7 In One Hadith Prophet SAW said i fast on Monday because i was born on this day. This Hadith clarifies that Sunnah way of Birthday is Fasting not creating new Bid'ahs which are done on 12th Rabi Ul Awal by some people.

8 some people says we are celebrating birthday of Prophet SAW in his love. If this is so why Sahaba not celebrated birthday of Prophet SAW? are we bigger lovers of Prophet SAW than Sahaba?

9 There are only two festivals Eid Ul Fitr and Eid Ul Adha told in the Quran and Hadith then how we can create a new one?


I think these nine points are enough to prove that there is no place for Eid Milad Un Nabi in Islam and its a Bidah (invention) In Islam. If we really Love Prophet SAW we should follow his teachings. That is real love.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

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