Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Prophet Muhammad SAW Not Born on 12 Rabi Ul Awal

In one of my previous post i discussed that how some people has invented a new Eid called Eid Milad Un Nabi which is celebrated on 12th Rabi Ul Awal. these people claim that we celebrate this Eid as birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW.


But do you know that large number of scholars who not agrees that Prophet Muhammad SAW was born on 12th Rabi Ul Awal. a very famous Brelvi Scholar Ahmed Raza Khan says in his Fatawa Razvia that Prophet Muhammad SAW was born on 8th Rabi Ul Awal while 12th Rabi Ul Awal is date of his death.

According to Abdul Qadir Jilani R.A the Prophet SAW was born on 9th Rabi Ul Awal  and on 12th Rabi Ul Awal he left this world.

Rasool Allah SAW never told date of his birth and also never celebrated his birthday. Sahaba also never done that. Now those people who are doing celebrations on 12th Rabi Ul Awal are actually doing Bidah innovation in Islam.

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