Monday, 30 September 2013

Recognising Muslim blogosphere: Brass Crescent Awards for best blogging on Islamic issues enter tenth year

The Brass Crescent Awards were instituted to identify and honour the best blogs on Islam and Muslims.

For nine years they have been honoring the best writings in Muslim blogosphere.

Now the awards are into the tenth year. Over the last decade, scores of interesting blogs were featured on their website.

Unique blogs, interesting posts, series of writings, humorous articles and non-Muslim writers' blogs on Islam, were nominated year after year. For so many years, sane, intelligent and different Muslim voices that were found on the internet, got exposure due to blogging.

Those interested in know the views of ordinary Muslims, found blogs  It is often heard these days that blogging is no longer as popular as it was a few years back. Today, we have social networking sites--Facebook and Twitter, where opinions get instant 'likes' and hence satisfaction to the writer.

However, blogs continue to be written. They remain an important source of information. The good blogs get recognition. Every year, considerable interest is generated when the Brass Crescent website announces that nomination process for the year has begun.

There are categories like women bloggers, non-Muslim writers and so on. Then, the people start voting. On the basis of votes, the best blogs in each category is selected. Certainly, the awards have made a mark in Islamic blogosphere.

If you go through the names and URLs of winners [or nominated] blogs in the past, you may find the most interesting writers from different regions of the world. Not just Middle East or Indian sub-continent, but from Australia, Far East, Africa, Europe and of course, America.

The voting has begun for the awards. You may go to the Brass Crescent Awards' website and see the variety of blogs that have been nominated. Explore, read and vote for the ones, you like. The results of the poll will be out by mid-October.

Definitely, thanks are due to the individuals behind the Brass Crescent Awards. They have succeeded in completing a decade and yet they have managed to keep interest alive among innumerable bloggers and readers for this annual event.

VOTE HERE for Brass Crescent Awards

Pakistani Clerics Reportedly Reverse Course On DNA Evidence In Rape Cases


Finally coming out of the stone age...too little too late...:(
Pakistan's "Express Tribune" on September 20 quotes an unidentified member of the Islamic council as saying that "the discussion on DNA testing was successful and we were unanimous on the issue that DNA tests can be presented as evidence in rape cases coupled with other circumstances of the crime."

Ali Dayan Hasan, the Pakistan director at Human Rights Watch, has welcomed what he says is a long-overdue decision.

"It's a positive development, because it's a move forward by the council," says Hasan. "It will certainly help in providing a scientific basis for rape convictions. The government is now expected to legislate in light of the council's recommendation."

The council's May 2013 decision to uphold the current Shari'a-inspired law -- enacted in 1979 by then-military ruler Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq -- prompted fierce criticism from human rights groups.

Rights groups have said the current law is one of the main reasons for the low rate of rape convictions in Pakistan. Hasan says only around 4 percent of rape cases taken to court result in a conviction.

But he says the council has been under mounting pressure to change course amid public outrage over a number of high-profile rape incidents involving minors, including that of a 5-year-old girl in the city of Lahore earlier this month.

"These [cases] have created a lot of shock within society," he says. "The debate concerning poor conviction rates and the social revulsion over [the lack of action] has, I think, contributed to the council looking at ways in which rape convictions can be made more sound."

Full article:

Sunday, 29 September 2013

The truly corrupt and manipulative: What does the Quran say?


Ustad Nouman Ali Khan gave the above lecture in response to the Boston bombings I revisit it now in the aftermath of the truly horrific attacks on Westgate Mall in Nairobi. Here we have murderous men claiming to be Muhajideen indiscriminately and cold-bloodedly killing unarmed, innocent, civilians many of them women and children. It has been reported that young children were found stabbed to death stuffed into fridges, women were shot after being questioned and found to be Muslim because they were not wearing hijab.  Very unfortunately some commentators on Facebook/Twitter have tried to justify this attack, or give explanations for it in light of Kenya�s actions in Somalia  and especially in light of what they think the Quran says.

After all the Quran says we have to fight our enemies it says it says �kill them wherever you find them.�

However , this attack is entirely unacceptable, there can be no justification for murdering innocents. These  self-styled �Mujahdeen� have been defended by people (mis)quoting  the Quran just like Islamophobes who to paint us all as homicidal maniacs and justify their support of military action and drone bombings. 

SubhanAllah the Quran itself speaks of such people and their corruption as Ustad Nouman articulates the Quran says something unique about itself:

 .......By it He misleads many, and many He guides thereby. And He misleads thereby only those who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah). Al-Baqarah:26. 

This means that Allah allows many people to be misguided by means of this very revelation, and He guides many by means of this revelation. When we first listen to this we ask: why would Allah send this revelation and then allow it to be used for misguidance? In fact, misguidance is mentioned first, and then the kind of people that will become misguided are mentioned. 

In fact Allah never misguides anybody at all, by means of revelation except those who are inherently corrupt. They have a deeply rooted corruption in themselves. There are psychological forms of corruption, people who don't even realize they're being manipulated, like young people are very gullible. There are people who are emotionally corrupt or traumatized, there are people who are actually outright evil and corrupt. Corruption takes many forms. It could be purposeful or not purposeful, it could be circumstantial. But you know what, when you come to this book with some kind of corruption � maybe you don't have complete information and you're rushing to conclusions � then the Quran has the option for someone to manipulate it. Someone to make the wrong conclusions.  Someone to use things in the Quran and say �oh this is what that means.�  But that can only happen when something is corrupt. If the intention and the approach and the emotions are corrupt. Something corrupt has to be there for the wrong conclusions to come out. So maybe it is the greatest of all of our true character.

And this is what has happened to the wanna-be Muhajideen and their corrupt supporters, these are people who will always justify violence and suffering.  They will insist �oh this is because of Islam�, or �this is a kind of jihad fee sabeelillah� or whatever else. This is nothing like jihad fee sabeelillah! This is nothing sanctioned by the Quran. It's a form of corruption. It's a form of manipulation of the sacred text. And we have to understand this first, that it's a violation of Allah's Word.

Eid Al Adha Cards Collection 2013

As the month of September is going to end we are only 15 days away from the Eid Al Adha 2013 the great Islamic festival. Muslims are preparing for the Eid In different ways. They are also buying Animals for the sacrifice.

Here are some Eid Al Adha 2013 cards that you can send to each other for the wishes of Eid. In older days Printed Eid Cards were sent but with the arrival of modern technology it is preferred to send digital Cards online and SMS messages.















Saturday, 28 September 2013

The Muslim hero of Westgate Mall horror


There was an awkward wrinkle � Muslims too were among the dead. That was not supposed to happen, you know, how come �Islamist terrorists� were killing other Muslims? One of the survivors said he watched in horror when two terrorists asked some women to cite verses of the Quran to prove they were Muslim. They did�then the men shot them at point blank range. Some terrified people who were lying on the ground screamed; �why did you shoot them?�

One of the gunmen replied, �because they were not wearing the hijab�. So, it seems, misogyny and patriarchy trumped religion.

 Please read the entire blogpost @.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Interesting Islamic Facts

Islam is religion of Haq which every Prophet spread during his time. There are many facts about Islam which will surprise you. In this post I am going to share some of these Islamic facts which you may have not known before.


So Here we go:

Islam Is fastest growing religion of the world Including In United States and Europe. thousands of people are converting to Islam in US and Western countries despite all the propaganda.

The meaning of Word Islam is Peace. It comes from the arabic root  word slum.

Muslims, Christian and Jews believes In same  God. however their beliefs are different.

Jesus Is a great Prophet of Islam and you can't be a Muslim without believing In him.

there Is a complete chapter with name of Mary (Mother of Jesus) In Quran.

Islam was not spread by sword. many people do propaganda that Islam spread with sword. If this is true then i have a question for such people that which army went to Indonesia and Malaysia which has most Muslims? why Islam is fastest growing religion today? who is forcing Americans to convert to Islam.

Quran says whoever kills one Innocent human It is like he has killed the whole of humanity.

The meaning of Word Jihad is not holy war. Jihad means to struggle.

66% of the people who accepted Islam in recent years are women.

Hajj is the biggest gathering of Humans anywhere in the world.

Not a single word of Quran is changed. Quran has no different versions. It is because Allah himself promised in Quran that I will protect this book.

Millions of people have memorized Quran.

Muslim believes In Only One God who has no Image or Statue.

Suicide Is forbidden In Islam and Suicide bombing to kill Innocent people is Haram (forbidden) In Islam.

In few decades Islam is expected to become World's largest religion.

Forced Marriages are forbidden In Islam. a marriage cannot take place till Boy and girl are ready for it.

There are almost 1000 Scientific facts in Quran. to know details of these facts watch Quran and Science Lecture by Dr Zakir Naik.

Many people thinks that most of Muslims are Arab while in actual more Muslims are Non-Arabs. Only 20% Muslims are Arabs.

In the past centuries Muslims played massive role in scientific progress. Geber, Avicenna, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Jazari etc played major role in scientific progress.

Kaaba Is In center of the world.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH was not the founder of Islam but he was the last Prophet of Islam.

So these were some of the Facts about Islam that I wanted to share with you people. I hope you enjoyed reading them.

My Favourite Islamic Ringtones

We love using nice Ringtones on Our Mobile Phones which are really lovely to listen. But Isn't It would be nice If we use those Ringtones on phoned which are not only lovely to listen but we will also earn Sawab for It. yes I am talking about Islamic Ringtones.


There are many awesome Islamic Ringtones that you can use on your Mobile Phones. I am going to share some of my most favorite ones here:

Oh God Forgive Me By Ahmed Bukhatir
Ya Zawjati By Ahmed Bukhatir
Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua (Urdu)
Muhammad Is And Always Will Be by Zain Bhikha
Al Inaam Ramzan by Arsalan Bakht
Pillars of Islam by Rashid Bhikha
Zamilooni by Zain Bhikha
Ya Taiba
Give Thanks To Allah by Zain Bhikha
My Mum is Amazing by Zain Bhikha
Allah Knows by Zain Bhikha and Dawud Wharnsby
Azan By Yusuf Islam
Talaal Badru Alayna
Your Mother
I am a Muslim
A Is For Allah
Names of Allah By Yusuf Islam
Call To Prayer By Yusuf Islam
Fartaqi by Ahmed Bukhatir
Kitabullah By Ahmed Bukhatir
Last Breath
Ya Adheem
Mountains of Makkah

So Download and enjoy these Islamic Ringtones.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Acts To Do On Eid Al Adha

Eid Al Adha Is just around the corner and Millions of people have started reaching Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj before Eid. Eid Al Adha will be on 14th or 15th October 2013. According to Islamic Calendar it is celebrated on 10th date of Dhu al-Hijjah and continues for 3 days. There are two Eids In Islam. Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha.


What are the acts that we should perform on Eid Al Adha? Is Eid just name of wearing new dress and enjoying?

So here are the acts that you should perform On Eid Al Adha:

1 get up early In the morning and wear new or at least clean dress after taking bath (Ghusal) and doing Miswak.

2 Also use Fragrance.

3 Now go to offer Eid Salah. Its preferred to go on your feet. use different roots for going and coming back from Salah.

4 Keeping reading this Takbir while going for Eid Salah:

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaha illa Allah

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa li-illahil-hamd

5 It is Sunnah to offer Eid Prayer On open places and not In Mosque so try to read Salah on a open place.

6 After Salah listen to the Khutbah.

7 Now Greet Each other.

8 Now comeback and do Sacrifice of your animal. It is preferred to do the sacrifice yourself and if you  can't do it then someone else can do it for you.

9 The Sunnah way if Eid Al Adha is to not eat anything until  Sacrifice is done.

10 Remember poor people in the happiness of Eid.

Acts to avoid on Eid Al Adha

1 you cannot fast on Eid day.

2 you cannot do sacrifice before Eid Salah.

3 try to avoid free mixing with non-mehrams on the Eid day.

May This Eid bring happiness and joy for you on Ameen..

Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she�s ready for war



With an olive green head scarf poking out from her helmet, Ayesha Farooq flashes a cheeky grin when asked if it is lonely being the only war-ready female fighter pilot in the Islamic republic of Pakistan.

Farooq, from Punjab province�s historic city of Bahawalpur, is one of 19 women who have become pilots in the Pakistan Air Force over the last decade - there are five other female fighter pilots, but they have yet to take the final tests to qualify for combat.

�I don�t feel any different. We do the same activities, the same precision bombing,� the soft-spoken 26-year-old said of her male colleagues at Mushaf base in north Pakistan, where neatly piled warheads sit in sweltering 50 degree Celsius heat (122 F).

A growing number of women have joined Pakistan�s defense forces in recent years as attitudes towards women change.

�Because of terrorism and our geographical location it�s very important that we stay on our toes,� said Farooq, referring to Taliban militancy and a sharp rise in sectarian violence.

Deteriorating security in neighboring Afghanistan, where U.S.-led troops are preparing to leave by the end of next year, and an uneasy relationship with arch rival India to the east add to the mix.
Farooq, whose slim frame offers a study in contrast with her burly male colleagues, was at loggerheads with her widowed and uneducated mother seven years ago when she said she wanted to join the air force.

�In our society most girls don�t even think about doing such things as flying an aircraft,� she said.

Family pressure against the traditionally male domain of the armed forces dissuaded other women from taking the next step to become combat ready, air force officials said. They fly slower aircraft instead, ferrying troops and equipment around the nuclear-armed country of 180 million.

�Less of a taboo�

Centuries-old rule in the tribal belt area along the border with Afghanistan, where rape, mutilation and the killing of women are ordered to mete out justice, underlines conservative Pakistan�s failures in protecting women�s rights.

But women are becoming more aware of those rights and signing up with the air force is about as empowering as it gets.

�More and more ladies are joining now,� said Nasim Abbas, Wing Commander of Squadron 20, made up of 25 pilots, including Farooq, who fly Chinese-made F-7PG fighter jets.

�It�s seen as less of a taboo. There�s been a shift in the nation�s, the society�s, way of thinking,� Abbas told Reuters on the base in Punjab�s Sargodha district, about 280 km (175 miles)east of the capital Islamabad, home base to many jets in the1965 and 1971 wars with India.

There are now about 4,000 women in Pakistan�s armed forces, largely confined to desk jobs and medical work.

But over the last decade, women have become sky marshals, defending Pakistan�s commercial liners against insurgent attacks, and a select few are serving in the elite anti-terrorist force. Like most female soldiers in the world, Pakistani women are still banned from ground combat.

Pakistan now has 316 women in the air force compared to around 100 five years ago, Abbas said.

�In Pakistan, it�s very important to defend our front lines because of terrorism and it�s very important for everyone to be part of it,� said avionics engineer Anam Hassan, 24, as she set out for work on an F-16 fighter aircraft, her thick black hair tucked under a baseball cap.

�It just took a while for the air force to accept this.�

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Choosing Right Animal For Qurbani

1 Comment
On Eid Al Adha Muslims sacrifices Animals in memory of sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim A.S of his son on order of Allah SWT. Millions of animals throughout the world are sacrificed on every Eid by Muslims. Most of Meat is distributed among poor and relatives.


The animals that are sacrificed are sheep, Goats, Camels, Cows mostly. Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon him has taught to do sacrifice of a good and healthy animal. Here are some things that you must keep in mind while choosing a animal for Qurbani:

1 Animal must be at least 2 years old if its a cow and 1 year old if its a goat. In case of Camel it should be at least 5 years old. Sacrifice of younger animal is not right.

2 Animal must be healthy. all his parts like legs, eyes, teeth, horns should be fine.

3 Qurbani of ill animals is not right.

4 Qurbani of Castrated animal can be done.

5 Qurbani of Barren animal can be done.

6 Blind animals are not eligible for Qurbani,.

Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon him always preferred healthy animal for the sacrifice. doing Qurbani is a great virtue. according to Hadith of Rasool Allah SAW There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Udhiya than the sacrificing of animals.

May Allah SWT accept our sacrifices on this Eid Al Adha Ameen.

The Reason For Yemen's Child-Bride Problem Isn't What You'd Expect



Perhaps the most well-known story from Yemen is that of Nujood Ali who, after fleeing her abusive husband in 2008, became the country�s youngest divorcee at the age of 10. Arwa, another Yemeni girl, suffered a similar experience when she was married off to a man in his forties. When her father was asked why he was willing to marry his daughter off at such a young age, he said, �"He gave me 30,000 rial ($150) and promised another 400,000 ($2,000). I was really in need of money and thought it was a solution for the family.�
Nadim, who married his 12-year-old daughters to older men in order to pay off his creditors, is now an advocate against underage marriage, and he warned other parents: �I�d advise any father, mother, or brother not to rush to marry their girls like I did, because that is ignorant.� These child marriages perpetuate the cycle of poverty as the young girls are deprived of opportunities for education and work, face greater health risks, and are more likely to be victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

When LK Advani is seen as an inclusive and 'secular' leader in India


It was really unthinkable once that Lal Kishenchand Advani would one day be described as an 'inclusive' politician and even seen as secular.

But the unthinkable has happened in Indian politics in just over two decades. LK Advani, the man whose chariot, had stoked communal flames across the length and breadth of the country, is today being viewed as a 'moderate person'.

Not just moderate but a secular person. Ironical indeed. Is it because of his old age and the tradition that as a person gets older, we treat him with more respect?

Is it because Rath Yatra took place a quarter century ago, when it needed Newstrack cassettes to be seen on Video Recorders [VCRs]. But Gujarat carnage occurred just a decade ago and at a time when electronic media was well established and we saw it live.

Is it just about the number of years? Communal speeches, violence or riots can't be washed away in this manner. Can they be? We talk of Gujarat riots, but after Advani's rath yatra and the Babri Masjid demolition, the hatred spread across India had led to communal violence in dozens of cities.

Remember, the Surat riots of 1992-93. The scale and magnitude was no less than Ahmedabad. The stories of killings and attacks on women were no less horrific. Or the riots in towns across India then. May be it is something like the old Akbar-Birbal story?  You shorten a line by drawing a longer one adjacent to it.

So as Modi emerged as a hardliner, Advani's Hindutva-wadi hawkish image got diluted. Though he himself made a conscious effort to dilute it, as he realised how Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who had remained silent for several years during the Ram Mandir era, had emerged from nowhere to take up the reins of BJP, pushing Advani in the background.

Going to Pakistan, paying respects to the mausoleum of Jinnah, is something that has no resonance with Indian Muslims.

But, he perhaps, thought that it would add to his stature and turn him into a 'statesman' figure.

Media has also been quite charitable towards him all these years.

Advani, A Secular?

I remember very well how LK Advani's speeches turned North India into a communal cauldron in an era when there was no such religious conflict. Whichever town his 'chariot' passed, it left behind a trail of either clashes or increased communalism.

It was during the Rath Yatra, that local-level politicians in their bid to outperform Advani would become even more virulent. It was the impact of his 'rath yatra' that BJP leaders openly addressed all Muslims ass 'Babar ki Aulad' in public spaces.

All that happened long ago! Still, not as distant past. It happened many years after the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Advani's speeches of the era are not telecast now. Besides, he was sharp enough to know how much to say, and  where to stop, so that Singhals, Uma Bhartis, Giri Raj Kishors, Vinay Katiyars, Ritambharas can take it forward from there.

Advani has also been a master of fllip-flop. He went on describe December 6, 1992 as the saddest day of his life. Imagine! From 1986 to 2013, we have seen Advani's urge to lead BJP to a victory in Lok Sabha elections and the wish to achieve get wider acceptability and in turn become Prime Minister.

Now he is seemingly 'secular' but alas, he is out of favour with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Let's wait for a few more months. Advani is clearly nursing the ambition that in case of coalition, he would be chosen as the leader of NDA. So are we yet to witness 'secular' Advani's last hurrah?

Watching Anthony Bourdain in Palestine


I am a hardcore foodie, which means I love to eat. I was also born with Cerebral Palsy, which means I shake all the time�so cooking is not my thing, as I am banned from being around knives and fire. Those who cannot cook, watch, and I am obsessed with cooking shows. Forget Paula Dean; when it comes to on-air celebrity chefs no one makes my stomach go pitter-patter more than Chef Anthony Bourdain. He is absolutely fearless. He eats and smokes things I'd never have considered touching before I saw him do it first on No Reservations. No Reservations is no more, and the beautiful Bourdain has relocated to CNN. Parts Unknown, his new show now in its second season, is hands-down the best, most informative show on cable news. There is simply no competition, unlike on Bravo's Top Chef Masters where Chef Anthony happens to be my favorite judge.

Full article.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Peace TV Live Streaming

Peace TV Live Streaming - There are plenty of Islamic TV Channels around such as Q TV, Huda TV, Madni Channel but sadly most of these TV channels are either not fully Islamic or they represent one specific sect or they are in local languages and not shows program that are useful for whole Muslim Ummah. But the good news is that there is at least one Islamic TV Channel that is useful for the whole Muslim Ummah and that is Peace TV.


In Total Peace Network has three TV channels right now In English, Urdu and Bangla. You can see programs on doing Dawah to Non Muslims as well about general knowledge of Islam On Peace TV Live.

Islamic Research Foundation Head Dr Zakir Naik is the man behind Peace TV who has tried his best to provide a quality Islamic TV channels to the Muslims. You can watch lectures of Dr Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, Abdur Rahim Green, Dr Israr Ahmed, Maulana Ijaz Aslam and other great scholars of Islam.

Another good news is It is a Non profit Islamic Channel which means no Ads comes on it. You will only see the Islamic content 24/7 without any Haram content that usually appears on other Channels.

Here you can watch Peace TV Live Streaming

this nonprofit satellite television is making Muslims aware about their religion and also teaching them how to respond to media propaganda and allegations against Islam. currently It is showing telecast in more than 150 countries but with help of Internet stream that I shared above you can watch it anywhere in the world. the channel started its transmission first in January 2006 and later on it was launched in more languages. Today It is the most popular Islamic channel on planet.

Following Scholars appears mostly on Peace TV:

Zakir Naik
Mohammed Naik
Ather Khan
Nisar Nadiadwala
Hussein Ye
Israr Ahmed
Jafar Idris
Salem Al Amry
Shuaib Sayyed
Sheikh Noor
Yusuf Estes
Yasir Qadhi
Yassir Fazaga
Ammar Amonette
Abdullah Hakim Quick
Bilal Philips
Jamal Badawi
Said Rageah
Ahmed Deedat
Abdul Karim Parekh
Sanaullah Madani
Shamim Fauzi
Abdul Basit Madani

among these scholars I enjoy lectures of Dr Zakir Naik, Dr Israr Ahmed R.A and Sheikh Ahmed Deedat R.A the most. they are my ideals and i have learnt a great knowledge of deen from them.

So to boost your Knowledge of Deen and to learn doing Dawah watch Peace TV Live.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

10 Good Islamic Ebooks To Read

I love reading books on various topics specially Islam. Since the arrival of Ebooks I have started reading more Ebooks as compared to printed books. There are millions of Ebooks available Online that you can read on every topic of the world. There are also many wonderful ebooks on Islam by different writers available which you must read to increase your knowledge of deen and boost your Emaan.

Here I am sharing list of some Islamic Ebooks that I would recommend you to read:

These books are available In Amazon Kindle Store.

Why We Exist

a book about purpose of our creation from the Islamic perspective.


Real Truth About Islamic Terrorism

What Islam says about Terrorism? What Quran says about terror and Peace. a book answering all these questions.


Great Characters of Islamic History

a book on some of the great Muslim personalities in the 1400 years history.


Scientific Facts In Quran

Holy Quran has almost 1000 Scientific facts. In this book many of these facts are discussed.


Everything You Need To Know About Islam

a book having a small Introduction of religion of Islam.


Islamic Quotes

a book having beautiful Islamic Quotes by different Muslim personalities.


Hijab Oppression Or Freedom

Is wearing Hijab Oppression On Muslim Women or its freedom for them? this book contains writings of some women who are proud of their Hijab.


Jesus In Islam

What Islam says About Jesus? What is position of Jesus In Islam? find all answers in this book.


Five Pillars of Islam

a book on five basic pillars of religion of Islam Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Hajj, Fasting.


Islamic Tips For Muslims

a book having hundreds of beautiful Islamic tips for Muslims to live their lives in a good manner.


So download and enjoy these Islamic Ebooks.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Mind your own business!



It seems everyone is interested in everything but their own business. Leave off that which does not concern you. You will not be questioned questioned concerning someone else�s daily activities so why are you so overly concerned about it? This is a disease in the heart of any individual,  remove it instantly. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Watch Hajj 2013 Live Streaming

Watch Hajj 2013 Live Streaming on our blog. Streaming is available already from Masjid Al Haram Makkah as Hajj 2013 is just a month away from us now. Millions of Muslims from all over the world Including, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, USA, Malaysia, Indonesia have started reaching the Saudi Arabia to perform the fifth Pillar of Islam Hajj.


Hajj Is performed in Zul Hijjah and after Hajj Muslims all over the world celebrates Eid Al Adha and sacrifices the animals in memory of Prophet Ibrahim A.S sacrifice.

Hajj is known as fifth pillar of Islam and it is necessary for every Muslim who is strong enough financially and healthy to perform it at least once in his life. every year more than 2 million Muslims performs Hajj. due to increasing number the size of Masjid Al Haram is increased very much now and many new facilities are introduced to make it easy for people to perform Hajj

Here you can Watch Hajj 2013 Live Streaming

If you can't access Youtube then try this Ustream Streaming

Abuse of Asian girls missed because of focus on white victims, says report


The report, Unheard Voices: the sexual exploitation of Asian girls and young women, suggests that Asian girls, including Muslims, are under-reporting abuse to police and authorities because they fear not being believed, or because they are threatened with bringing shame and dishonour on their families.
"I knew we would uncover cases, but I was shocked at the numbers coming forward and the horrific nature of the crimes," said Shaista Gohir, chair of the network, based in Birmingham. "What we discovered is that these sexual predators will target any girls who are vulnerable and accessible, regardless of their background, ethnicity or faith."


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Eid Al Adha 2013 Wallpapers

Eid Al Adha 2013 Wallpapers is a large collection of wallpapers for free downloading related to Eid that is just few weeks away from us now. It is expected that Eid will be on 14th October 2013 this year In Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries while in Pakistan it is expected to be on 15th October 2013.

Eid Al Adha is celebrated for 3 days from 10th to 12th Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah. Its first day is 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah after the Hajj. Hajj  is performed on earlier days of  Dhu al-Hijjah. another names that are given to this Eid is Big Eid or Bakra Eid.

This Eid is celebrated to remember the sacrifice of Prophet Abraham A.S who even got ready to sacrifice his son on the order of Allah SWT. On Eid Al Adha Muslims sacrifices animals like Cows, Goats and Camels and most of meat is distributed among the poor people. Sacrifice is done after offering the Eid Prayer.

Here is collection of Eid Al Adha 2013 Wallpapers


Its a funny wallpaper related to Eid Al Adha of a Goat and Butcher.


This Wallpaper of Eid Al Adha is In Urdu for those people who don't understand English very well and are living in Pakistan or India.


This beautiful wallpaper is a really beautiful one because it has Kaaba in the background and Eid wishes on top.


a simple yet beautiful wallpaper having a mosque and moon on the background and written Eid Al Adha ahead.


Eid greetings and Kaaba with golden effects are shown in this wallpaper.


This wallpaper is of Jamia Masjid Delhi India where people are offering prayer of Eid Al Adha before doing sacrifices.


Eid Mubarak Written with a heart in the background.


Beautiful balloons on the tops and below greetings of Eid ul Adha.


This one is my favorite having a moon on top and Eid Saeed written in Arabic.


Simple yet beautiful Happy Eid Wallpaper.


This wallpaper has famous Turkish blue mosque in the background and a man is making dua. on top it is written best wishes for Eid Al Adha Allah always be with you.


This Wallpaper says Eid Mubarak Celebrating with you the joy and warmth of Eid. on right side there is beautiful moon and minarets of mosque. on top beautiful stars are shown.


This Wallpaper is having beautiful red roses and message Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Eid Day.


this one is also my favorite as it is having a dark scene with which Eid Mubarak is written. 


this wallpaper is the most cute one having a a really cute animal who is saying Happy Eid Al Adha.

So download and enjoy these Eid Al Adha 2013 Wallpapers.
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