Monday, 30 September 2013

Recognising Muslim blogosphere: Brass Crescent Awards for best blogging on Islamic issues enter tenth year

The Brass Crescent Awards were instituted to identify and honour the best blogs on Islam and Muslims.

For nine years they have been honoring the best writings in Muslim blogosphere.

Now the awards are into the tenth year. Over the last decade, scores of interesting blogs were featured on their website.

Unique blogs, interesting posts, series of writings, humorous articles and non-Muslim writers' blogs on Islam, were nominated year after year. For so many years, sane, intelligent and different Muslim voices that were found on the internet, got exposure due to blogging.

Those interested in know the views of ordinary Muslims, found blogs  It is often heard these days that blogging is no longer as popular as it was a few years back. Today, we have social networking sites--Facebook and Twitter, where opinions get instant 'likes' and hence satisfaction to the writer.

However, blogs continue to be written. They remain an important source of information. The good blogs get recognition. Every year, considerable interest is generated when the Brass Crescent website announces that nomination process for the year has begun.

There are categories like women bloggers, non-Muslim writers and so on. Then, the people start voting. On the basis of votes, the best blogs in each category is selected. Certainly, the awards have made a mark in Islamic blogosphere.

If you go through the names and URLs of winners [or nominated] blogs in the past, you may find the most interesting writers from different regions of the world. Not just Middle East or Indian sub-continent, but from Australia, Far East, Africa, Europe and of course, America.

The voting has begun for the awards. You may go to the Brass Crescent Awards' website and see the variety of blogs that have been nominated. Explore, read and vote for the ones, you like. The results of the poll will be out by mid-October.

Definitely, thanks are due to the individuals behind the Brass Crescent Awards. They have succeeded in completing a decade and yet they have managed to keep interest alive among innumerable bloggers and readers for this annual event.

VOTE HERE for Brass Crescent Awards

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