Thursday, 31 October 2013

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

RSS wants Hindus to have more children: Shouldn't Sangh leaders take up real issues like female foeticide rather than perpetuating old myths?

Once again the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh [RSS] has urged Hindus that more children should be produced, in order to check the demographic imbalance.

Did anyone call it fatwa or a diktat? How many TV channels found RSS joint secretary Dattatreya Hosbale's comments as controversial?

Has there been strong criticism on editorial pages in mainstream newspapers? This is not the first time that RSS leaders have said that Hindus need to produce more kids.

For them, Hindus are the 'victim'. The bogey of 'Muslim population rise' or 'Ham Panch-Hamare Pachchis' are used by RSS to portray Muslims in bad light.

Not only that the statement aims at driving wedge among religious communities, the fact is that it is truly regressive in nature.

Shouldn't RSS turn itself into a forward looking organisation?

The reason is that if RSS been a forward looking organisation, it would stop looking at things from the Hindu Vs Muslim. In that case it should have urged middle-class Indians [mostly Hindus] to stop female foeticide [and infanticide] to control the fascination for 'baby boy'.

It is this gender imbalance that is really threatening Hinduism [and India]. There are vast regions where there are less than 800 girls for 1,000 boys. Even the upper class and middle-class want the 'baby boy'. If the first child is a girl, many go for second, in the hope to have a boy.

This 'sickness' needs to be fought. Strangely, RSS leaders never tell their followers how Hinduism has been growing much faster over the last century in the world. While Islam has grown fast after 1900, overall population of Hindus in the world, has also gone up significantly, even as Christianity and other religions have now lost the pace.

As far as rise in Muslim population in India is concerned, it is not a very unusual phenomenon. The minority [Muslim] rate of growth is quite close to Dalits. Clearly, economic reasons and social backwardness are the cause behind the high birthrate.

Muslim growth rate in Kerala, Tamil Nadu much less than in UP, Bihar

In states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Muslims have a growth rate of much less than 20% per decade, which is less than the growth rate of Hindu population in India in many other states of North India.

UP and Bihar have overall bigger families. No wonder, fertility rates are higher among Muslims in these states.

Secondly, there is no open opposition to family planning among Muslims, and they have adopted it widely.

As Muslims go up on socio-economic indicators, they also tend to have smaller families, just like rest of the Indians.

As per 2001 census, the overall population grew by 21.5% in India in the previous decade. Muslim decadal population grew by a mere 13.7% in Tamil Nadu and 15.8% in Kerala [from 1991 to 2001].

These states have a higher Muslim literacy rate and here Muslims are financially better-off. In contrast, Hindu population increased by 28.7% in Punjab, 24.7% in Karnataka and 23.4% in Bihar.

How do you explain that? Now there will be critics who would say that if Muslims grew by 13.7% in Tamil Nadu in the decade, the decennial Hindu growth was just 11%.

The problem is that when the Hindu growth rate is seen, they don't take into account the growth rate of backwards and Dalits, whose population growth is comparable to Muslims.

For example, you can't expect to compare Iyers or Iyengars' decadal rise in population with Dalits or even Vanniyars. If you have to at all compare then do it with the socially upward Muslims. Else, consider Muslims also as a social group and then look at them with their growth rate.

The right comparison would be Muslim population rise vis-a-vis increase in population of social groups that have similar earning, living conditions and socio-economic backwardness.Statistics clearly reveal that Muslim population rate is falling in India and would stabilise in a few decades.

The difference of population growth rates is narrowing down fast. Far from becoming majority or even 25%, it will take centuries before they even reach the figure of 20% in India.

Perpetuating old myths: Fact is that Muslims are least polygamous in India

For decades, right-wing groups have made similar claims. Take for example, the charge of polygamy. Census clearly reveals that the practice of polygamy was highest among Adivasis, Jains, Buddhists and Hindus. Muslims came last as far as prevalence of the practice was concerned.

See LINK and LINK. This is despite the fact that polygamy is legal for Muslims and unlawful for Hindus. But this is not highlighted or even mentioned. Tell a lie a thousand times and people tend to believe it. Senior RSS and BJP leaders often make attacks on Muslims about being more polygamous.

In December 2005, the then RSS chief [sarsanghchalak] KS Sudharshan had also urged the majority community in a similar manner. He said that 3-4 children per couple would keep the 'changing religious demography' in control.

Just imagine had any other religious community [like a Muslim cleric from Nadwatul Ulema or Deoband] made such a statement, what would have happened?

There would have been wide condemnation, politicians and activists gunning for him and effigies burnt.

TV channels would have continued debates for days. But in the case of RSS, it was simply ignored even though the 'cultural organisation' has huge impact and has a cadre strength of tens of lakhs.

If the RSS leaders take up real issues that affect the nation, they would be taken more seriously. It may also strike chord with the young generation. However, they remain stuck in regressive rhetoric. Sangh also needs to look at itself.

Shouldn't the swayam-sevaks [volunteers] shun celibacy and marry, in order to increase the numbers of Hindus? Though its their personal issue but I wrote about it as they often find faults with Muslims. Mustn't they also take the blame? Had the RSS workers for several generations [who have been observing celibacy] married and had families, then there would have been lakhs of more Hindus.

Link: Dattatreya Hosbale exhorts Hindus to have more children

InshaAllah this evil man will die in prison, shunned by his entire community. Also the daughter must have known what what was going on she should have been  punished accordingly.


A pensioner who repeatedly raped a deaf and mute girl he had trafficked into the UK to work as his domestic servant has been jailed for 13 years.
Ilyas Ashar, 84, brought the girl to the UK from Pakistan in June 2000 when she was aged around 10. She was beaten and forced to sleep and work in the cellar of Ashar's five-bed family home in Eccles, Greater Manchester.
Their victim, who had no family or friends in the UK and had never been to school in Pakistan or Britain, was taught by the Ashars to sign her name so they could steal more than �30,000 in benefits. She was made to work for the Ashars for almost a decade.
The girl was sexually abused from pre-puberty, Minshull Street crown court in Manchester heard. Ashar would routinely rape the girl in the cellar and other houses the family owned while she tried to fight him off.
Ashar was convicted by a jury last week of 13 specimen counts of rape, though the court heard that the abuse happened "many, many times more". He was convicted at an earlier trial of two counts of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation, two counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit and one of permitting furnishing of false information to obtain a benefit.
His wife, Tallat Ashar, 68, was jailed for five years for two counts of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation and four counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit.
Their daughter, Faaiza Ashar, 46, who was found guilty at an earlier trial of two counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit and one count of permitting furnishing of false information to obtain a benefit, was given a 12-month community order with 300 hours of unpaid work.
Passing sentence, the judge Peter Lakin said: "You Ilyas Ashar and you Tallat Ashar did not treat this girl as a human being. To you she was merely an object to be used, abused and cast aside at will.
"You took full advantage of her extreme vulnerability. You exploited her physically, you exploited her mentally and you exploited her economically. There was throughout a distasteful undercurrent of violence and intimidation.
"All that she had in her life was the love of her family and her own human dignity. You two took that away from her. You consigned her to a life of misery and degradation."
He added: "Throughout these proceedings not one of you have shown any remorse. You are concerned with your own selfish, self-centred interests. You Ilyas and Tallat Ashar are deeply unpleasant, highly manipulative and dishonest people."

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Marrying In The Month of Muharram

As the month of Muharram is coming closer I am getting many questions by people around the world related to month of Muharram specially about the Issue of getting married in the month of Muharram. Many People considers It wrong to get married In this month due to which we are seeing that many marriages are taking place now a days before the starting of Muharram and as this month will arrive we will see that trend of marriages will come down greatly.


Some people says that as Hazrat Hussain R.A was martyred in this month so we should not get married in it. Now lets see what is the Islam's point of view about it?

Islam allows to get married on any day of the year in any condition except when someone is in condition of Ihram for performing the Hajj. Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon him was himself married to Hazrat Safia R.a on the 7th of Muharram. Secondly In Islam sorrow is of 3 days. So getting married in Muharram is completely allowed In Islam.

If someone presents the logic that we should not marry in Muharram because Hazrat Hussain R.a was martyred in this month then my question to that person is in which month some great Muslim personalities were not martyred? you will not find any month when some great personalities of Islam were not martyred.

We should Remember that Islam is what is told in Quran and Sunnah. we cannot do inventions by ourselves In Islam otherwise It will be considered as Biddah. We cannot forbid anyone from doing a thing which Quran and Sunnah has allowed.

The Dilemma of today's Muslim is that he is doing the things which Quran and Sunnah has not told anywhere and what Quran and Sunnah has told is not cared by anyone. 

Monday, 28 October 2013

Former Anti-Islam Film-Maker, Arnoud Van Doorn, Peforms Hajj After Becoming Muslim



A Dutch politician who once helped produce a film depicting Islam as evil and extreme has performed the Hajj after declaring his conversion to the religion earlier this year.
Arnoud van Doorn has said he bitterly regrets his actions and wants to make amends by producing a film showing Islam in a positive light.
While on the Hajj, he told the Saudi Gazette: "I found myself among these faithful hearts. I hope that my tears of regret will wash out all my sins after my repentance.
"I felt ashamed standing in front of the Prophet�s grave. I thought of the grave mistake which I had made by producing that sacrilegious film. I hope that Allah will forgive me and accept my repentance."
Van Doorn used to be a leading member of the Party for Freedom in Netherlands, headed by the notorious Geert Wilders.

This is nothing short of a miracle! SubhanAllah! 

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Happy New Islamic Year 1435 Wallpapers

New Islamic Year 1435 Is about to start in few days. the first month of Islamic Year Is Muharram. The Islamic year starts from the time when Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon him migrated from Makkah to Madina. Islamic Calendar works according to Lunar System.

Here are Happy New Islamic Year 1435 Wallpapers:















Arrival of Muharram and Responsibility of Scholars and Govt

Recently Muslims Celebrated Eid Al Adha In the Month of Zil Hijjah that Is last month of Islamic Calendar after which new Islamic year will start and first month of Islamic Calendar Is Muharram. This year Muharram is expected to start on 3rd November 2013.


Month of Muharram has great Significance in the Islamic history. the meaning of the word Muharram Is Forbidden. Day of Ashura comes In this month. Its a day when Prophet Musa A.S and his followers got victory against Pharaoh. Muslims throughout the world fasts on this day.

Month of Muharram is also known for the Incident of Karbala When Hazrat Hussain R.A and his family members were martyred In Karbala.

As this month has came closer the responsibility of religious scholars and Government has increased very much. there are some dirty elements who tries to create Shia Sunni hatred in days of Muharram. Government must take strict action against such elements.

there should be strict punishment for disrespecting the Sahaba R.A. Government must also Increase the security specially on sensitive locations.

right now Pakistan is going through tough time and facing massive security challenges and in days like Muharram the security challenges increases even more.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Rahul Gandhi's statement on Muzaffarnagar riot: Will he speak about Congress inaction on implementing Sri Krishna Commission report on Mumbai riots?

It was realy shocking to read about Rahul Gandhi's speech and his 'revelations' regarding Muzaffarnagar riots in the political rally at Indore.

Already, other aspects about his speech have come under criticism. But I am especially amazed as it comes from the man whose party has failed to act on the recommendations of Sri Krishna Commission panel which conducted probe in one of the worst communal riots that occurred in Mumbai in 1992-93.

Congress was the ruling party in Maharashtra then. For 20 years, victims have waited for justice and successive CONGRESS governments in Maharashtra, that promise implementing the report every time before election, have not acted on the promises.

Rahul Gandhi hasn't spoken a word about the conduct of Congress-NCP led state government. It was under Congress chief minister Sudhakar Rao Nai, that two separate rounds of rioting had led to nearly 2,000 deaths in Mumbai, which was known as Bombay then.

For those who felt that Rahul wants to change things for good and is in favour of clean politics, this speech his come as a letdown. Those accused of rioting, particularly, the policemen were not prosecuted. The personel who fired at innocents were saved at every step.

Still, successive Chief Ministers from Vilas Rao Deshmukh to Prithvi Raj Chouhan haven't shown any interest in implementing the Justice Sri Krishna Report. How does Congress has the cheek to talk about riots and justice!  Firstly, don't promise if it is not your intent to act.

During previous elections Congress leaders have been promising that they would do implement the report once they come to power. Accusations of framing Muslims in false cases in Maharashtra, are well-known. The state has one of the largest number of Muslims in prison. Has he ever voiced his concern about it?

Given his hold over the party, he could have got it done easily. Just a few days back, he had 'torn the bill' on convicted politicians and this ensured that Rashid Masood and Lalu Yadav have lost their Lok Sabha seats. Why don't we see such a step from him over riots? Instead, there is just hurtful rhetoric.

Secondly, the speech was objectionable, as he made a remark linking Muzaffarnagar riot victims with Pakistan. Either he doesn't understand Indian Muslims at all or he has strange people around him on whose inputs, he made this weird statement.

Martyr Firoz Khan
As an Indian Muslim, I strongly object to the community being used as a tool to settle political scores.

Further, by suggesting the possibility of neighbouring country's agencies trying to poach riot victims, he linked 'Indian Muslims' with "Pakistan', something that really hurts.

Intelligence guys may imagine things or even make guesses as it is part of their job. Once an intelligence officer had even made a foolish comment that he 'heard' that Muslims in Hyderabad, put up photograph of Pakistani leader in their homes.

He later accepted that he hadn't gone to any such house or seen such a photo. People can say utterly foolish things but should Rahul Gandhi use them to strengthen old stereotypes?

It was insensitive as for decades after independence, Muslims heard barbs and accusations about their being 'fifth columnists'. This had almost come to an end now. Indian Muslims can't be used by any outside power against their motherland. Any such suggestion is objectionable, howsoever, we suffer. 

I totally denounce the statement 

I really don't understand if he is immature or plain naive to believe anything he gets to hear and then accepts it as Gospel truth. Of course, to say it publicly is also wrong. Knowingly or unknowingly he ventured into something which Indian Muslims really detest.

Barely a week ago, an Indian Muslim army-man laid down his life on the border. He had been sanctioned leave but decided to stay back because of firing at LoC, and achieved martyrdom. If you can't take the name of martyr Lance Naik Feroz Khan, then please don't talk about this imaginary possibility either.

Till a few decades back, we often heard certain members of the right-wing parties drawing these parallels but when Rahul Gandhi says something like that, then there is surely something seriously wrong with the Congress.


Is Having a Girlfriend Or Boyfriend Halal?

1 Comment
In the last few decades the Impact of West has Increased massively on the east Including on the Muslim countries due to Western hold on technology and media. Every Western trend is considered as fashion and is adopted by East Including Muslims. On of these trends Is the Boyfriend Girlfriend culture. Taking a Boyfriend and Girlfriend has became common even in the Muslim youth now and they consider It a normal thing. In fact there many people makes your fun if you don't have a girlfriend.


But does our religion Islam permits having a Girlfriend or Boyfriend? the answer to this question is Simply No. Islam does not permit It. Islam gives Importance to the Institution of Marriage and forbids us from all other Haram ways of building relationships that takes us towards Zina and Moral corruption.

Today Family system is badly destroyed In the Western society and the main reason for this is relationships outside marriage. Having Boyfriends and Girlfriends takes us towards Immoral acts that badly corrupts the society.

In the name of this Boyfriend Girlfriend culture many bad boys also misuses the girls by promising them to marry but later on leaves them.

The thing is simple. If you like someone then send proposal of marriage and get married to that person. there is no place for Immoral Haram acts In Islam. Doing Marriage is a great Sunnah of beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him which all of us must follow.

Remember this verse of the Holy Quran "Women impure for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity".

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Islamic Quotes About Family

Islam gives great Importance to the Institution of family and perhaps this is why we see a strong family system among Muslims which not exists in Western world. Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon him has taught us that the good person Is the one who is good to his family. Islam also gives great rights to all members of family like Parents, Children, wife and relatives. we find hundreds of Hadiths about the rights of all these family members.

Here are some Islamic Quotes About Family:











Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Vizarat Rasool Khan: Leading Indian Muslim educationist who set up 56 educational institutes, first women's medical college in country, is no more


Dr Vizarat Rasool Khan, who passed away in his native, Hyderabad, was a leading educationist and visionary who championed the cause of education among Muslims.

The news of his death caused grief across the country, especially, among Muslim circles. In Urdu newspapers, he was termed as Sir Syed of Hyderabad.

His contribution was immense, as he dreamt big and managed to achieve the goals. Khan built 56 educational institutes that include 24 engineering colleges and two medical colleges.

He also set up the first ever women's medical college in India, apart from women's engineering college. Further, he was at the forefront for the fight to ensure that Muslims from the poor section get higher education, at a highly subsidised* rate.

A social-worker who also dabbed in politics and got elected as an MLA, his focus throughout remained on education. In fact, the achievements of the Khan's Shadan Group are remarkable. Those not familiar with the bureaucratic setup, feel that it is easy to establish colleges or institutions.

The truth is that Herculean fights and lifelong efforts were needed, as State governments don't give permissions for setting up of Minority Colleges. The files just don't move. The real issue is the indifference in bureaucracy towards any such proposal. Further, there are obstacles at every juncture.

In his interview with Shaik Ahmed Ali's Urdu news channel, INN LIVE, Khan said that he want government to facilitate setting up of educational institutes and give nod.

Once the government nod and the no-objection certificate [NOC] was there, such standards would be maintained that AICTE or MCI norms could be fulfilled. The problem is always in dealing with the slow-paced bureaucracy.

Building the dozens of colleges and a 750 bed hospital is an accomplishment in itself. 

Just recently Dr Khan had come out of hospital but had to be admitted again recently.

Khan was nearly 67. He died after prolonged illness.

However, in his lifetime, Vizarath Rasool Khan has done what few manage to do.

After the Deccan College [Khan was part of the team behind it as well], his was the second minority Engineering College in Hyderabad, after parting ways with the Deccan. Since then, there was no one stopping him.

Professional colleges were set up one after the other and finally it led to medical colleges and hospital. Still, Khan was not satisfied. He was trying hard to establish an autonomous university. He felt that there was no dearth of talent among the poor but they didn't have resources.

There is need for more colleges, so that the students from unprivileged sections could get in, and there is need for financial assistance and good scholarships. Clearly, Indian Muslims need more revolutionaries in the field of education like him.

Apart from being the head of Shadan Group of Educational Institutions, he was socially active and regularly coordinated with other activists, academicians and politicians for improvement in the educational scenario in Andhra Pradesh.

Today he has left behind the modern schools, colleges for girls and boys, institutes for professional studies in law, management, B Ed, technical sciences et al. In fact, he built the largest network of educational institutions for Muslims. 

Many other colleges including dental and medical colleges are awaiting government nod. He managed to achieve all this within 25 years. Amid presence of thousands of well-wishers,  he was buried on the premises of Dr VRK Medical College.

Now the onus is on his sons to take the group forward and carry on the work initiated by their father. One hopes that more Indians would realise the need for spreading education and set up schools, colleges and institutes for all sections of society, including Muslims.

Salute to Dr Vizarat Rasool Khan

Link to Shadan group's website & the medical college-hospital website

[*Just like SC/ST students get the fees back, the Muslim students from extremely poor families in Andhra Pradesh get partial reimbursement of the fee]

[The second women's medical college in the country and the first by government has recently been inaugurated in Haryana. The first and lone women exclusive medical college in the world was established in 1910 in London.]

Photo: The building of Shadan College

Be Careful While Forwarding Islamic Quotes and Sayings

Spreading the Knowledge of Islam is a great Virtue. In fact it is responsibility of every Muslim to share the Knowledge of deen with others that he knows because Rasool Allah SAW has taught his Ummah that even if you know one word of Deen that taught it to others. For this purpose Social Media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus can be great tools.


Many People are already using these tools to spread the Knowledge of Islam. Many people also shares Islamic Quotes and Sayings of great personalities like Hazrat Ali R.A and Hazrat Hussain R.A on these social media sites and other people forwards those Quotes and sayings. Specially we see this on big Islamic pages on Facebook.

But you may get surprised to know that many of these quotes and sayings are actually fake and without references but still people forwards them without confirming their authenticity. These sayings are attributed with names of great personalities of Islam like Hazrat Ali R.A and Hazrat Hussain R.A while in reality these quotes are self created by some people.

Today I seen a quote on a big page that was attributed to Hazrat Ali R.a that every sweet thing except honey contains poison. there was no reference given with the quote. when I done research I found out that it is actually a fake quote and has no authenticity. as this quote was shared by a big page so it also got many likes and shares. People were making comments like Subhanallah, Mashallah which made be really sick.

So we really need to be careful before forwarding any sayings and quotes that are attributed to Islamic personalities. always see the references. Islam has taught us to speak truth and if we will attribute such things to legends of Islam which they never said then think how big sins we are committing.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Avoid Wrong Things When You are a Practicing Muslim

Our religion Islam has stopped us from doing all types of wrong works that harms other human beings or humanity as a whole like cheating, fraud lying, backbiting, jealousy etc. Holy Quran and Hadith both gives clear indication to us on all these issues which means all Muslims should avoid these haram acts. But suppose If you are a practicing Muslim having a beard, goes to Mosque 5 times a day and fulfill other Islamic duties as well like fasting, Zakat, Charity, Hajj but still you do any of the above mentioned wrong acts then remember people will not only point out fingers at you but also at your religion.


This was the main purpose of doing this post. You need to be more careful about staying away from wrong works when you are a practicing Muslim. If you will do anything wrong while keeping a beard and following other Islamic rituals people will also blame your religion. we often see when religious people do something wrong people start saying things like Oh He has a beard but he still done this.

In the older days Muslims were famous for their honesty due to which millions of people accepted Islam in different parts of word like Subcontinent. In recent decades Muslims has faced massive media propaganda. Muslims themselves also made many mistakes due to which Our Image is damaged badly.

we have to follow Islam completely in matters of life. Islam is not name of just offering Salah and keeping beard but its name of a complete way of life. Islam teaches us to be a good human being and treat other humans in good way. acts like cheating, fruad, lying, jealousy are forbidden In Islam that harms other humans. tell the world by your character how great Islam Is? 

Monday, 21 October 2013

Rihanna in another outrage: And this time she's fully clothed.... at UAE's Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque



She�s used to causing controversy with her racy music videos, but even dressed head-to-toe in a hooded black jumpsuit Rihanna has managed to provoke outrage.
The 25-year-old "Diamonds" singer posted images on her Instagram account showing her posing at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in UAE, where she is currently on tour.
Despite a very conscious effort to tone down her usual attention-grabbing-garb, she is seen sporting crimson lipstick and wearing dark red fingernails while adopting a series of trademark sultry, pouting poses that some have deemed "disrespectful" for a place of worship. Her followers on Twitter couldn't decide whether to condemn the pictures or enjoy them.
�Rihanna may look gorgeous and all but she�s covering her head out of fashion not out of respect for the mosque,� wrote one user.
Another person responded to the images writing: �I don�t see how Rihanna posing adjacent to a mosque in Abu Dhabi is disrespectful.
"If anything she�s showing respect by supporting the hijab.�


I'm not outraged in the least I think she showed respect by wearing hijab  at a mosque and her poses were not sexual. She looks really classy and I think she has shown women look chic in hijab not ugly like so many anti-hijab people claim. I also think women shouldn't have to listen to anything men say about hijab. They can think and choose for themselves inshaAllah.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Islamic Quotes About Life

Allah SWT has created this life as a test for human beings for hereafter. Our good deeds in this life will result in Jannah in hereafter and bad deeds will take us towards hell.

Here are some Islamic Quotes About Life:

















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