Monday, 28 October 2013

Former Anti-Islam Film-Maker, Arnoud Van Doorn, Peforms Hajj After Becoming Muslim



A Dutch politician who once helped produce a film depicting Islam as evil and extreme has performed the Hajj after declaring his conversion to the religion earlier this year.
Arnoud van Doorn has said he bitterly regrets his actions and wants to make amends by producing a film showing Islam in a positive light.
While on the Hajj, he told the Saudi Gazette: "I found myself among these faithful hearts. I hope that my tears of regret will wash out all my sins after my repentance.
"I felt ashamed standing in front of the Prophet�s grave. I thought of the grave mistake which I had made by producing that sacrilegious film. I hope that Allah will forgive me and accept my repentance."
Van Doorn used to be a leading member of the Party for Freedom in Netherlands, headed by the notorious Geert Wilders.

This is nothing short of a miracle! SubhanAllah! 

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