Islam's Call To Prayer Is Known as Adhan and In some countries like Pakistan and India as Azan which is given before every prayer from Mosque on specific time five times a day to call people for prayer. the person who gives the Adhan is known as Muezzin.

In the older days when there were no loud speakers Adhan was given by standing on higher places. Now Loud speakers are used more often. the main purpose behind giving the Adhan is reminding all the people for prayer that they should leave all the works and come to mosque for offering prayer.
How Adhan started?
as population of Muslims was growing in Madina this issue was raised that how It should be announced that Its time of Salah. one night a companion of Prophet SAW named Abdullah ibn Zaid R.A saw a dream that a man was giving Adhan for calling people towards Prayer. that Sahabi told his dream to Prophet SAW. the words of Adhan were taught to Hazrat Bilal R.A who got a good voice by Abdullah ibn Zaid R.A and then Bilal R.A given the Adhan.
Adhan contains following words:
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar
Ash-hadu an-la ilaha illa llah
Ash-hadu an-la ilaha illa llah
Ash-hadu anna Mu?ammadan-Rasulullah
Ash-hadu anna Mu?ammadan-Rasulullah
?ayya ?ala ?-?alah
?ayya ?ala ?-?alah
?ayya ?ala 'l-fala?
?ayya ?ala 'l-fala?
Allahu akbar
Allahu akbar
La ilaha illa-Allah
English Translation:
God is greatest, God is greatest
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah
I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Hasten to the prayer
Hasten to success
Allah is greatest
There is no god but Allah
the Adhan of Fajr contains a additional phrase that is "as-salaatu khayrum-minan-nawm" which means Prayer is better than sleep.

In the older days when there were no loud speakers Adhan was given by standing on higher places. Now Loud speakers are used more often. the main purpose behind giving the Adhan is reminding all the people for prayer that they should leave all the works and come to mosque for offering prayer.
How Adhan started?
as population of Muslims was growing in Madina this issue was raised that how It should be announced that Its time of Salah. one night a companion of Prophet SAW named Abdullah ibn Zaid R.A saw a dream that a man was giving Adhan for calling people towards Prayer. that Sahabi told his dream to Prophet SAW. the words of Adhan were taught to Hazrat Bilal R.A who got a good voice by Abdullah ibn Zaid R.A and then Bilal R.A given the Adhan.
Adhan contains following words:
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar
Ash-hadu an-la ilaha illa llah
Ash-hadu an-la ilaha illa llah
Ash-hadu anna Mu?ammadan-Rasulullah
Ash-hadu anna Mu?ammadan-Rasulullah
?ayya ?ala ?-?alah
?ayya ?ala ?-?alah
?ayya ?ala 'l-fala?
?ayya ?ala 'l-fala?
Allahu akbar
Allahu akbar
La ilaha illa-Allah
English Translation:
God is greatest, God is greatest
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah
I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Hasten to the prayer
Hasten to success
Allah is greatest
There is no god but Allah
the Adhan of Fajr contains a additional phrase that is "as-salaatu khayrum-minan-nawm" which means Prayer is better than sleep.
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