Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Rights of Relatives In Islam

Allah swt has created us surrounded by relatives. Some of them are closest to us, like parents and siblings and some are not so close. Just like we are not born alone, we cannot survive alone. To have a better life time we must be good to our relatives. Rights of Relatives In Islam has great importance.


On the basis of importance, parents top the chart. It is parents who bring us in this world and then bring us up and be on our side in every walk of life. So Allah swt has set some boundaries when it comes to parents and the one who crosses them commits sin. Hurting parents and disrespecting them in counted as major sin. And those who do not treat their parent well will be judged with punishment. Allah swt has ordered us in Quran to respect parents. In daily five time prayers, we ask Allah swt,  forgiveness for ourselves as well as for our parents. From this, it can be understood that the importance of parents is so much. This is described in Glorious Quran in these words;
"And worship Allaah alone, and do not set-up any partner to Him in worship, and be kind and good to the parents, and to the relatives." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:36].
Then comes the siblings. We all have spent our childhood with our siblings. We all have made many  joyous memories with them. So siblings also have their rights upon us. In times of need, it is a must for us to stand for our immediate blood relations. The verse mentioned above indicates to be good towards not only parents but also with the relatives. Here, relatives does not mean few favorite relatives but all relatives. In islam, it is encouraged to help poor relatives. In fact, when it comes to distribute zakah, the poor relatives have the first right on zakah then the neighbors and then others.

Spouses and children are also the part of family. So they also have exclusive rights. When it comes to wives, Allah swt has made it very clear on men to be good to them. There is no way that a man who is not good to hs wife can be spared on day of judgement. Similarly, wives are also directed to be good and honest to their husbands. If they fail to do so, they will be questioned firmly. The relationship of wife and husband is given great importance in islam. It is because marriage is the only solution ot save the society from evil. So, when two people are bound in this relationship, they ought to be good towards it.

Children also have rights. They cannot be left in this world alone. Parents are responsible to bring them up with great care. No matter what happens, never harm your children in any way. The irresponsible attitude of parents in one common thing which destroys children's lives. It is not fit for the parents to kill daughters and keep sons, nor is it fit for them to kill them because of the fear of hunger. Allah swt brings a soul in this world with rizq written. In the verse given below, it is clearly mentioned to not harm the children at all.
6:140 �Those who killed their children out of folly and the lack of knowledge, incurred a great loss. So did those who forbade themselves the blessings that Allah had bestowed upon them, those who fabricated lies about Allah. They have gone far astray; they are not on the right path.�
If one keeps his path straight in this world, ALLAH swt promises him to be with his relatives not only in this world but in hereafter too. The following verse of Glorious Quran says;
13:023 �They will enter the eternal paradise, and so will the righteous among their forefathers, children and wives. Angels will come to serve them from every door.�
Otherwise, nothing that is given in this world can be of any use in the hereafter if life is spent in vain.  It is nature of human being to bear all the trouble for family. People surpass everything when it comes to bring comfort to their families. And in this they mostly forget their fard of Islam. This is why Allah swt says;
18:46 �The wealth and children are mere adornments for the life of this world. In the eyes of Allah, the good deeds one leaves behind are better in terms of expectations and outcome.�
So It is binding upon Muslims to be attentive to the needs and rights of relatives. Whereas, the priorities are also defined in Islam with respect to relatives. All it takes in sincere efforts to look after each other. If all people try to be good towards their relatives, mutual jealousy, hatred and evil will cease to exist. 

Monday, 30 December 2013

Lahore Prayer Namaz Timings

Lahore Is among the main cities of Pakistan with a massive population and location. Here Is Lahore Prayer Namaz Timings for all five Prayers Fajr, Zohar, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. This time is for area of Lahore  Cantonment so time for other areas can be slightly different.


Prophets Of Islam

With the creation of humans, ALLAH SWT appointed messengers to guide them. Allah sent many Prophets in different times to guide mankind. The first prophet was Adam a.s. ALLAH swt taught him the things which were never taught to anyone. This was his unique status because of which all the angels prostrated before him and shytan got cursed forever and ever. There is a sahih tradition of prophet Muhammad pbuh according to which all prophets are related.


Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 651:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "I am the nearest of all the people to the son of Mary, and all the prophets are paternal brothers, and there has been no prophet between me and him (i.e. Jesus)." 
This indicates that all the prophets were paternal brothers i.e. their fathers were relatives from paternal side. This also means that the linage of all the prophets is one. ALLAHU ALAM.

While in another sahih tradition of prophet Muhammad pbuh, it is stated that;
Muslim, Book 030, Number 5835:
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: I am most akin to Jesus Christ among the whole of mankind, and all the Prophets are of different mothers but belong to one religion and no Prophet was raised between me and Jesus.
This hadith also indicates the same thing. Another thing is that between prophet Muhammad pbuh and ESA a.s, no other prophet came. So the time period in between witnessed no other prophet. From these ahadith, another important point is raised that Jews, who were waiting for a prophet to come after Moses first disbelieved Esa a.s and than in their utter arrogance, they disbelieved prophet Muhammad pbuh because they were expecting a messenger from their nation. Bani Israel is the only nation which received most number of messengers than other nations. Prophet Esa a.s also came to bani Israel who was denied by them because of their ignorance and jahiliyah.

The pagans of Arabia believed in ALLAH but also they had made their own gods out of ignorance. The messenger of Arabs was Ismael a.s, son of ibrahim a.s. After Ismael a.s, came prophet Muhammad pbuh in arabs.

According to the tradition of sahih muslim,
Muslim, Book 020, Number 4543:
It has been narrated by Abu Huraira that the Holy Prophet (may pceace be upon him) said: Banu Isra'il were ruled over by the Prophets. When one Prophet died, another succeeded him; but after me there is no prophet and there will be caliphs and they will be quite large in number. His Companions said: What do you order us to do (in case we come to have more than one Caliph)? He said: The one to whom allegiance is sworn first has a supremacy over the others. Concede to them their due rights (i. e. obey them). God (Himself) will question them about the subjects whom He had entrusted to them.
Thus, the last prophet of Islam is Muhammad pbuh and there would be no other prophet. While this hadith also confirms that bani Israel received the most prophets. Still, this nation remained the most stubborn. And we see that even today, Israel is the only nation with arrogance.

ALLAh swt sent many messengers, according to a weak tradition, ALLAh swt sent one hundred and twenty four thousand messengers in total. While according to the scholars, the total number remains unknown. In Glorious Quran, ALLAH swt say;
           4:164 (We sent inspiration to) the messengers We have mentioned to you earlier, and (also to) the messengers We never mentioned to you. (But) with Musa, Allah spoke directly _ (not just through angels, or by inspiration). 
In Holy Quran, ALLAH swt has told us about few messengers while few of the messengers, as extracted by the scholars, from torah and bible. But since these scriptures are not the authentic text, so great scrutiny and care has been taken by the scholars in this regard.

According to this verse, the only messenger who spoke to ALLAH swt directly without any medium is Moses a.s. No other messenger ever had this privilege. While, after Adam a.s, the other messenger who led the humanity again was prophet Nuh a.s. In his era, came the biggest and most destructive flood which washed away virtually everything on eath. Prophet Esa a.s. Is the only prophet who was born without male intervention and he was the only prophet who was given prophet-hood in his childhood. Prophets Yusuf , zulqurnain and Suleiman (a.s) were the biggest and strongest kings.

While, prophet dawood a.s had such a beautiful that even bird and mountains used to listen to his voice attentively. The prophet who had the most beauty was prophet Yusuf a.s. It is mentioned in holy Quran that women cut their fingers when they saw him in his splendid beauty. Prophet Yunus a.s. Was swallowed by a whale and according to some historians, the place where he was taken off shore was the seashore of Makran, Pakistan. The prophet Dawood a.s. Was given this unique power of molding iron and he was the first one to make chain mails.

All the messengers brought the same message, i.e. the message of islam. All messengers preached that only One GOD is to be worshipped and there should be no other worthy of worship.

For muslim, one thing is must to believe in, that is, they have to believe in all the messengers. And they have to respect all of them. Islam is the only religion which puts this condition, if not met, a person cannot be a muslim no matter how much he worships ALLAH.
2:285 The messenger believes in whatever is revealed to him by his Lord; so do the believers! They all believe in Allah, His angels, (all) His scriptures, and (all) His messengers. (They say), �We do not differentiate between any of His messengers!� And they say, �We hear, and we obey. (We do seek) Your forgiveness, Our lord! And towards You is our journey�s end!� 
thus, all messengers came with the same message but their message contained more commandments according to the need of the time. Prophet Muhammad pbuh came in the last and he pbuh was the final so he was given the final scripture which contains the message for all and for everything. This message will remain fresh till the last day. I hope you enjoyed the Introduction of Prophets of Islam.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Jummah Quotes

Friday (Jummah) Is considered the holiest day In Islam. On this day Muslims offers special prayer In the Mosque and do maximum Zikr of Allah SWT. Here Is a collection of Jummah Quotes.












Importance of Day of Friday Jummah Mubarak

For every ummah, there was a special day of week. For jews, saturday is special and for christians sunday is religious. For ummah of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, Friday (Jummah Mubarak) is the special day of the week. as mentioned in a sahih tradition:


Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 693:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "We are the last (to come) but we will be the foremost on the Day of Resurrection, nations were given the Book (i.e. Scripture) before us, and we were given the Holy Book after them. This (i.e. Friday) is the day about which they differed. So the next day (i.e. Saturday) was prescribed for the Jews and the day after it (i.e. Sunday) for the Christians. It is incumbent on every Muslim to wash his head and body on a Day (i.e. Friday) (at least) in every seven days." 
On this day, a special salah is offered which is called Friday congregation prayer. Jummah salah is wajib for men but not for women, while they can still offer it and earn reward.  To understand the importance of jummah congregation, the following hadith must be read.

Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 433:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "On every Friday the angels take heir stand at every gate of the mosques to write the names of the people chronologically (i.e. according to the time of their arrival for the Friday prayer and when the Imam sits (on the pulpit) they fold up their scrolls and get ready to listen to the sermon." 
so, on Friday, angels note down the names of those who come for prayer and also listen to the khutbah. Here, another important point of concern arises that the sermon should be informative and no where any sectarian based. Because what the imam speaks is listened by humans and angels.

The importance of this special prayer can be judged from the fact that ALLAH swt specially revealed a verse on this which is given below,
Al-Quran-62:9 �Oh you who believe! On Friday, when the call sounds for the (congregational) prayers, rush towards it and halt all trade (and business) activity. That is better for you, if you only knew!�
on Friday, Muslims are ordered to go for salah instead of indulging themselves in world's things like trade and other stuff. Jummah is such a blessed day that on this day, many special and blessed things happened in history. Like, the last hajj performed by prophet Muhammad pbuh was on friday. On that day, the last verse of holy Quran was revealed which indicated the perfection of deen islam and ALLAH swt said that HE has liked Islam for us.  In sahih al bukhari, It is mentioned that;

Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 92, Number 373:
Narrated Tariq bin Shihab:
A Jew said to 'Umar, "O Chief of the Believers, if this verse: 'This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favors upon you, and have chosen for you, Islam as your religion.' (5.3) had been revealed upon us, we would have taken that day as an 'Id (festival) day." 'Umar said, "I know definitely on what day this Verse was revealed; it was revealed on the day of 'Arafat, on a Friday." 
this hadith indicates that Jews envied Muslims. There was not a nation before ummah of Muhammad pbuh who received such a glad tiding from ALLAH swt before. So, the Jew said that they would have celebrated it as eid.  From the above narration, it is also noted that friday is actually not less than eid. It is the weekly eid for muslim ummah. This is why which this day are attached so many blessings.

According to a sahih hadith mentioned in sahih bukhari:

Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 63, Number 216:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Abul Qasim (the Prophet ) said, "There is an hour (or a moment) of particular significance on Friday. If it happens that a Muslim is offering a prayer and invoking Allah for some good at that very moment, Allah will grant him his request." (The sub-narrator placed the top of his finger on the palm of the other hand between the middle finger and the little one.) 
So, of all the week days, Friday is that day which contains a confirm moment of prayer acceptance. This is a great blessing. According to the other authentic ahadith, the moment is between asar and maghrib salah.
On Friday, it is recommended to recite surah al-kahaf. According to the authentic ahadith, this surah is protectant against fitnah of dajjal. Here an important point to note is that the fitnah of dajjal cannot be called a phenomenon of end times, rather dajjal has been born, he exists and his followers also exist. And his fitnah is very visible now a days like weakness of iman, love of duniyah.

So this surah is a shield against all these fitnah. Secondly, it is also narrated in sahih ahadith that the one who recites surah kahaf, a line of noor spreads from him and fills till the next Friday. Thus, the day of Jummah Mubarak is the day when our deen was perfected for us. This day contains blessings and bundles of reward for us. So follow sunnah and earn the reward. 

Muslim Aid and Charity

In Islamic society, money is not important. What important is, is the use of money. One may not have much money but the way he uses it can not only be his reward and prize in this world but also in the hereafter. In the initial years of Islamic revival in Arabia, Muslims were not so much in wealth. The importance of wealth was known so our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh urged Muslims to give Aid charity and help those in need.


The concept of charity is not only limited to pay yearly obligated zakah. It has more to it. Even a penny given in the name of ALLAH is charity. A smile for parents is charity. So charity is not limited to money only, a help in time of need, a knowledge shared, a smile shared becomes charity as long as it is beneficial for the society. In holy Quran, ALLAh swt has mentioned about charity on many places.  In the following verse, ALLAH swt say;
2:271 It is good if you (give openly and) let your charity be known. But truly excellent it would be, if you give to the poor and let your charity remain a secret. Allah will rid you of your sins! And Allah is very well Aware of everything you do!

So, charity which is told of and which is kept secret both are correct. But best is to give charity and keep it a matter of secrecy. When charity is given openly, it encourages other people too to think about those in need. Thus, both ways are liked but surely what ALLAH likes the most is the best.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh always appreciated charity and gave glad tidings to those who give charity along with doing other good deeds. The following hadith tells us;

Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 82, Number 798:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Seven (people) will be shaded by Allah by His Shade on the Day of Resurrection when there will be no shade except His Shade. (They will be), a just ruler, a young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah, a man who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes are then flooded with tears, a man whose heart is attached to mosques (offers his compulsory congregational prayers in the mosque), two men who love each other for Allah's Sake, a man who is called by a charming lady of noble birth to commit illegal sexual intercourse with her, and he says, 'I am afraid of Allah,' and (finally), a man who gives in charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given."

A person, who gives charity secretly, will be in the shade of ALLAH on the day of judgement. What a blessing this is. What a glad tiding to know that giving charity brings such a great reward. Charity is not just the sourcesof earning reward but it is also expiation from so many sins and troubles. The following ahadith indicate charity as expiation against a trouble and expiation against sin.

Bukhari Volume 8, Book 79, Number 699:
Narrated Ka'b bin 'Ujra:
I came to the Prophet and he said to me, "Come near." So I went near to him and he said, "Are your lice troubling you?" I replied, "Yes." He said, "(Shave your head and) make expiation in the form of fasting, Sadaqa (giving in charity), or offering a sacrifice." (The sub-narrator) Aiyub said, "Fasting should be for three days, and the Nusuk (sacrifice) is to be a sheep, and the Sadaqa is to be given to six poor persons."

Bukhari Volume 8, Book 79, Number 701:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "I am ruined!" The Prophet said to him, "What is the matter?" He said, "I have done a sexual relation with my wife (while fasting) in Ramadan." The Prophet said to him?" "Can you afford to manumit a slave?" He said, "No." The Prophet said, "Can you fast for two successive months?" He said, "No." The Prophet said, "Can you feed sixty poor persons?" He said, "No." Then an Ansari man came with an Irq (a big basket full of dates). The Prophet said (to the man), "Take this (basket) and give it in charity." That man said, "To poorer people than we, O Allah's Apostle? By Him Who has sent you with the Truth! There is no house in between the two mountains (of the city of Medina) poorer than we." So the Prophet said (to him), "Go and feed it to your family."

Thus, charity can be given in case of a trouble getting out of control and a sin which has to be regretted and repented. Then prophet Muhammad pbuh said that charity is also a sheild against the fire of hell. In the followign hadith, He pbuh said;

Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 76, Number 547:
Narrated 'Adi bin Hatim:
The Prophet said, "There will be none among you but will be talked to by Allah on the Day of Resurrection, without there being an interpreter between him and Him (Allah) . He will look and see nothing ahead of him, and then he will look (again for the second time) in front of him, and the (Hell) Fire will confront him. So, whoever among you can save himself from the Fire, should do so even with one half of a date (to give in charity)."

Therefore, charity is to be given as much as one can afford so that on the day of judgement, hell fire is not our destination. This hadith also indicates that poors are not exempted from spending in ALLAH's way. They can do whatever they can. Unfortunately, in today's age, poor people only want to take, they do not want to share. Whenever they are heard, they are heard complaining. While Islam has never liked complaints.

The islamic economic system also encourages charity because a society where charity is an integral part, poverty vanishes with the passage of time. Int he time of third rightly guided khalifah, hazrat usman gani r.a, the poverty was eliminated to such an extent that he used to take money in his hand and look for a person to accept charity. This time will come again, as indicated by prophet Muhammad pbuh in the following hadith,

Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 88, Number 236:

Narrated Haritha bin Wahb:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Give in charity because there will come a time on the people when a person will go out with his alms from place to place but will not find anybody to accept it."
So, give aid and charity as much as you can for expiation against sins, for a solution of troubles, and for the ease of hereafter. 

Reality of Eid Milad Un Nabi

Eid Milad Un Nabi (12 Rabi Ul Awal) is celebrated as the birthday of Prophet Muhammad pbuh. while nowhere in the life time of prophet Muhammad pbuh or his companion or the three rightly guided generations, any one celebrated it. Still, today a huge number of people across the world observe this day as third eid. This is an innovation in deen and this has led people to do more and more biddah.


According to historians, a shia king in umayyad dynasty started this biddah. He did not only started it but also introduced dancing and music to celebrate this day. He was the one who started spending extravagantly to show off his love for Muhammad pbuh. today, we see that those who do not otherwise give charity spend lavishly on mwalid.

The reality of this celebration is way too ugly than it looks. Once what was started as a show off of love has now become a musical concert day. In last 10 years, people actually arrange music concerts to celebrate 12 rabil awal. They go on to the extent of calling dancing girls to dance for them.

Streets are decorated and nights of nashid singing are arranged. A nashid singers are booked months before this day.

To show off the so called love, people cook food and divide it among relatives and poors. Most people who otherwise do not even look at the hungry people spend money so that they could be called prophet lovers. The quran recitation mehfils are arranged where people recite quran less than they do ghibah and worldly talk.

Similarly, there are many other biddahs which people do. There are not just display of money and love but some sects have innovated special worships for this day and night. There is a special prayer exclusively to see Prophet Muhammad pbuh in dream, which is total ot of islam. Then, special cakes are made and cut like christians. So people have gone ot the extent of imitating the mushriks.  According to the sahih tradition of prophet Muhammad pbuh, it is forbidden to imitate other nations. Those who do this would become a part of the other nations. Thus, the gravity of this sin can be understood.

Pople have associated so much other falsehood with this day. For example, people say that in mwalid mehfils, prophet Muhammad pbuh himself visits and blesses the people. Also some people say that the royal convoy of prophet Muhammad pbuh passes from the cities and it leaves behind strange sweet smell which is witnessed by many people. Also people have made many false stories like foot print appearance of prophet Muhammad pbuh on floor on night of 12 rabiul awal. And so on and so forth.

The reality is that the falsehood and biddah associated with Eid Milad Un Nabi are only to satisfy the weak nafs of ahle biddah. Otherwise, no where in Islam, there has been found even the slightest clue of such an absurdities. Islam has never supported lavish display of money or false display of love for any one. Islam supports simplicity and total submission free of all show off. 

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Spreading humanism, respect for other religions through children's magazines in India


On the left is the photograph of the title of a recent issue of Urdu magazine for kids, 'Bachchon ki Dunia'.

The front page has photo of fireworks with the line, 'Diwali Mubarak' written below it. The issue had come out when the festival was being celebrated.

Inside, the editorial and other columns also informed children about the festival. There is also a long article about 'Sikhism', which tells children in lucid language about Sikhs, their gurus and the religion.

The article is quite engaging and informative. An earlier issue had focused on Jainism. I am mentioning this because despite the fact that over 90% readership of the magazine is in Muslim households, they are sensitive enough and for this the editorial staff must be congratulated.

Firstly, children must get information about the world. They should know the customs of other religious groups and people across the world. It is important to inculcate certain values among kids, especially, the respect for all religions and the message of communal amity and harmony.

'Parag' set the standards among Hindi children's magazines

In the decade of seventies and eighties, it was common among certain Hindi magazines to carry stories during Id, Christmas or other festivals.

Especially, Parag, under the editorship of Kanhaiyalal Nandan and Harikrishna Devsare, ensured that were at least a few stories or message for readers belonging to other communities during their festivals.

On Id and Ramzan, there were such stories, that struck a chord with the readers.

There were amazing stories that told reader about the message behind Ramzan and fasting. What you read in childhood has lasting impact on your mind. I read entire Hindu mythology in Chandamama and Nandan, which ignored other religions.

English magazines Tinkle, Champak fare badly on this count

Certain other magazines like Kukkut and Balbharti were often more accommodating. Today, there are many magazines in different languages.

In English, magazines like Tinkle, Magicpot and Champak are quite popular. Tinkle's publishers were never known to be sensitive to this aspect.

A small message or a short story adds variety to the magazine and also earns goodwill. Hope, the publishers of these magazines realise the need for being attentive towards all sections of the society.

It just shows your maturity and sensitivity.

Read earlier posts on the same issue:

1. Secularism in India: Lessons on communal harmony, religious tolerance from the ground
2. Communal Vs Secular comic strips, magazines in India

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Who Is Satan?

We all know who he is, and what he does and did. The concept of shytan or Satan is there in every religion but the true concept is founded in Abrahamic religions only. Among Abrahamic religions, the true picture of Satan is only given by Islam, other religions corrupted their scriptures so whatever written in them cannot be believed with utmost surety.

So, the story of shytan as mentioned in Quran is that he was a jinn, who was taken to heavens by angels when he was a kid. According to some traditions, he was a very beautiful child and he was alone and was crying. When angels passed by him, they took him and with ALLAH's permission, he was raised among angels. He was very worshiping. He used to worship ALLAH swt more than angels and for this he was called azazil. When he got to know about a new creation, humans, he got jealous. When ALLAH swt ordered angels to prostrate before Adam pbuh, angels did but Satan denied saying that human was no better than him. He said that human is made of clay while he was made of fire. Above all, he felt jealous because ALLAH swt has taught humans that knowledge which was not taught to any other creation before. It was for this knowledge that angels prostrated Adam pbuh. because of his disobedience, ALLAH swt banished shytan from heavens by calling him Satan. He somehow managed to enter jannah where Adam and Eve were living. He made them eat the forbidden fruit.

Basicly, shytan wanted the same to happen with Adam and Eve which happened to him. But ALLAH swt know everything and HE knows why things happen. So He sent Adam and Eve to earth where they repented and made dua mentioned in Quran;

7-23 �They said: Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, surely we are of the lost!�

So ALLAH swt pardoned them ans human race began. Now, shytan has aksed ALLAH swt for the respite till the day of judgement for misleading human beings and leading them away from ALLAH swt. ALLAH swt granted him this. Just look at the fate of shytan, when he could ask for ALLAH's forgiveness, he chose to go against HIM. When he knew that ALLAH swt is all in all, he did not chose to repent, but he chose war. Satan knows that his destination is hell, and he probably have some idea ( ALLAH knows the best) what hell is, still he chose the hell over heaven. He knew ALLAH's mercy, but he chose HIS wrath. What a cursed fool Satan is. And what fools humans are to follow him who is marked for hell.

The word shytan, according to some historians, has derived from shatana which means a far away thing. According to other historians, this word has been derived from word shata which means burned. Most historians say that the first meaning is more accurate because when iblees disobeyed ALLAH, he went far far away from all the mercy and kindness and goodness. The second meaning can also be taken because shytan is a jinn created from fire.

Shytan has prepared his army against human race and with passing centuries this army has become huge. His agents include both men and jinn. So the common misconception that shayatin are only jinns is wrong. It is also mentioned in glorious Quran as follows;

6:112 And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies ? Shayatin (devils) among mankind and Jinn, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception)

Also, there are many sayings of Prophet Muhammad pbuh where He pbuh told us about shayatin. According to a hadith recorded in musnad ahmed, prophet Muhammad pbuh said:

�O Abu Dharr! Seek refuge with Allah from the devils of mankind and the Jinns.) Abu Dharr said, "I asked him , `Are there human devils' He said, (Yes.)�

thus, Satan has both human and jinn companions. About humans, some cults have existed for long who worship satan. Even today, there are some secret satanic temples where children, new born babies, males and females are molested and sacrificed to please shytan. The modren day known cult of Satan is known by the name �zion�. According to some authentic research, Zionists worship Satan. Most of the Zionist belong to Judaism. And their strong hold is in Israel,  the illegal state, America and Britain. ALLAHU ALAM.

Satan has always attracted human attention with riches and short term worldly pleasures. And humans have always felt attraction for satanic fool. We should seek ALLAH's refuge from the evil of Satan. Because for every trick of Satan, we know simple and easy solutions which Satan does not like. May ALLAH swt keep us safe from satanic traps. Amin 

Iblees The Most Dangerous Enemy

Iblees (Satan) is the most dangerous enemy of humanity. He traps men in the worldly things in such a way that freeing from it feels virtually impossible. According to scholars, iblees's evil are of six types with which he traps and tricks humans. When one falls into one of them, he eventually falls for the second one and then third and so on. This way, a chain reaction is started which ends with extreme effort. The evils of Satan are listed below:


The first and foremost evil which satan spreads in the evil of kufr and shirk. This is that sin which will not be pardoned as said by ALLAH swt. So this is that sin which earns Satan most points in this world. Since, Adam a.s and his race was created to worship ALLAH swt alone ( as mentioned in glorious Quran being the purpose of creation), so iblees wants sons of Adam to avert from this purpose. He does this because he is at war with us since the day we were created. And to continue and win this war in this world, he can do anything.

The second evil is related to the first evil. It is the evil of innovation (biddah). There are many sahih traditions of prophet Muhammad pbuh which say that biddah is one of the greatest evils. Innovation in deen is evil because one who does this signals the world his dissatisfaction from the existing divine law. Thus, a man who indulges in the act of biddah eventually does shirk because he relies more on his own whims than the divine law.

Than comes the major sins. Now, if iblees cannot somehow trap someone in first two evils, then he chooses the third type, the major sins. The major sins include a wide variety of sins like, un-just killing, lying, ghibah, conspiring, disrespecting parents, misuse of knowledge etc. all these sins if persisted, eventually lead to shirk. Shytan spreads all these enticing sins with the helps of his agents, sons and daughters. While most of people are not aware of this fact, but Satan has a huge army which he uses against us constantly. When we think we are at peace, Satan is not a believer in waste of time. He started his war with the birth of first human and he will continue doing so till the end of time comes.

Minor sins come after major sins. If a person fears committing major sins, shytan's active senses direct him to lead humans into minor sins. Minor sins are those which are some time so routine that we do not even feel them. For example, speaking loud, wasting time, not caring for help, etc. these activities get into minor sins when they become a hazard to human life's purpose. So shytan's army is activated to lead those humans astry into minor sins when they do not commit major sins. If a person does not feel committing minor sins he eventually falls into major sins which could lead him to shirk.

There are man of ALLAH swt who know the evil of shytan and they do all possible effort to avoid even the minor sins. When iblees encounters such people, he makes them indulge into those act which have no sin or swab associated with them. Thus, iblees tries his level best to cease man from earning swab if he is cannot commit a sin.

The last type of keeping man from earning reward is to make him earn lesser reward. Look at this cunning mean enemy, he even tries to keep man from earning more reward by indulging him in act which earn less reward.

Iblees, is that enemy who is constantly at war with us. He does not waste his time. He does not sit idle rather he makes us sit idle, indulge in idle talk, do stupid things and act badly. He is doing so because he does not like us. He was once the most worshipping creation and his status was raised from jin to angels. And then, die to his arrogance and looking down upon us, AALLAH swt threw him away from heavens. But do not panic, with every trick that Satan plays, we are told a trick to trick him. If we only worship ALLAH with sincere heart and strive to please HIM and only HIM, then shytan would never be able to trick us, no matter if he uses all his army to lead just one person away.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

12 Rabi Ul Awal (Eid Milad Un Nabi)

12th Rabi Ul Awal is considered to be the day of birth of Prophet of Islam, Muhammad pbuh. According to some historians, this is also the day of departure of beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh. Due to the consideration that it is the birth day of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, many people think this day as honored and blessed day. Of late, twelfth rabiul awwal has been celebrated as third Eid by masses all over the world.

The reality is that twelfth rabiul awwal was never part of islam, in fact it was started in shia Fatimid dynasty by a ruler, King al-Muzaffar Ab� Sa'�d Kawkab�ri, the King of Irbil, at the end of the sixth century or the beginning of the seventh century AH. According to another historian Abu Shamah, the first person to celebrate this event was Shaykh 'Umar ibn Muhammad al-Mal�, one of the well known of righteous people and then followed by the king of Irbil, Allahu Alam.


Hafiz Ibn-e Kathir, in his book al-Bid�yah wa'l-Nih�yah (13/137) writes about king Al-Muzaffar, �He used to observe the Mawlid in Rab�' al-Awwal and hold a huge celebration on that occasion. Some of those who were present at the feast of al-Muzaffar on some occasions of the Mawlid said that he used to offer in the feast five thousand grilled heads of sheep, ten thousand chickens and one hundred thousand large dishes, and thirty trays of sweets. He would let the S�f�s sing from Dhuhr until Fajr, and he himself would dance with them.�

According to Ibne Kathir, in his book Wafiy�t al-A'y�n (3/274), he wrote about the people who celebrated Eid milad as, �When it is the first of Safar they decorate those domes with various kinds of fancy adornments, and in every dome there sits a group of singers and a group of puppeteers and players of musical instruments, and they do not leave any one of those domes without setting up a group (of performers) there. The people give up work during this period, and they do no work except going around and watching the entertainment. When there are two days to go until the Mawlid, they bring out a large number of camels, cows and sheep, more than can be described, and they accompany them with all the drums, songs and musical instruments that they have, until they bring them to the square� On the night of the Mawlid there are performances of nash�ds after Maghrib in the citadel.�

This was the manner of those innovators who innovated an event to satisfy their meaning of islam in a totally opposite and un islamic way. Islam does not like lavishness, instead, every muslim is instructed to be simple in living so that no one feels ashamed or complexed by seeing the lavish display of wealth. Secondly, the love for beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh does not need display of wealth or stupid dancing or wasting of useful time. All it needs is to be obedient to ALLAH swt and His prophet Muhammad pbuh, that's it.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh was a great and excellent example for all of us to follow. What he did and what he appreciated and told us is the best and rest of it, which he never spoke of or approved is not islam. This is as plain and simple as that.

In a hadith, Porphet Muhammad pbuh said, "I urge you to follow my Sunnah and the way of the rightly-guided khal�fahs after me; adhere to it and cling to it firmly. Beware of newly-invented things, for every newly-invented thing is an innovation (bid'ah) and every innovation is a going-astray." (Narrated by Ahmad, 4/126; at-Tirmidh� no. 2676).

this saying indicates in clear words that we are not suppose to do what is not part of islam. And what it is not part of islam, no matter how good it looks, it is biddah which is a sin.

All�h swt says in Quran, (interpretation of the meaning):

"This day, I have perfected your religion for you." [al-M�'idah 5:3]

when deen is perfected by ALLAH swt Himself, how can some one innovate and introduce something in it like that. This is the point every muslim should think about before doing something out of way of islam.

There are many false and alien things associated with mwalid ( birthday of Muhammad pbuh) . Mostly, it is believed that Muhammad pbuh is not dead like other human beings. He is present and in every mwalid celebration, He visits the celebrations and blesses the people who are participating. This is weird as islam does not support such a thing as being present. Similarly, people actually pray to see Muhammad pbuh in dream on the night of mwalid. Again, some people tell stories that after their mwalid celebrations, Prophet Muhamamd pbuhh visited their homes. Some people see Him while some people smell His fragrance and so on. All these stories are not only absurd but a huge lie in the name of Muhamamd pbuh and a great sin.

Therefore, 12 Rabi ul awal is no part of islam as proved by famous historians. It is an innovation and following it is a great sin. 

Policewoman, pregnant teacher hanged in southern Afghanistan



Even more of a hell hole for women and in general :(
An Afghan policewoman and a pregnant teacher were hanged and their bodies dumped within a few kilometres of a foreign military base recently handed over to Afghan control, officials said on Thursday.
The two women, policewoman and mother of two Feroza and teacher Malalai - like many in Afghanistan the pair use only one name - were kidnapped on Monday in the conservative southern province of Uruzgan, said Abdullah Hemat, a spokesman for the provincial governor.
"A post mortem examination shows that both were hanged," he said.
Successive, often deadly, assaults on women working in state institutions are fuelling concern that hard-won women's rights promoted by the United States and its allies are eroding ahead of the end of the NATO-led combat mission next year.
Several female police officers have been killed in southern provinces in recent months.
The Taliban are known to target female officials working for the U.S.-backed government, although some attacks have been linked to family feuds and male relatives outraged that the women are going out to work.
The bodies were found in an area of provincial capital Tirin Kot on Wednesday, said provincial police chief Matiullah Khan. He believes both killings were linked to family feuds.
Australian and U.S. forces had managed security in the province since 2005. That ended on Dec. 11 when they formally handed over control of the province to Afghan security forces.
The place where the women's bodies were found is only a few kilometres from the Tirin Kot base where the hand-over ceremony occurred.
Australian forces left the province on Sunday.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Good and Bad Deeds of Children

Children are one of the most beautiful blessings of ALLAH swt. Their innocence is the best thing in the world. Nothing compared to them looks half so good. This goodness increases many folds if they are brought up in the best way as prescribed in Islam. They have rights and parents and guardians are obligated to listen to them and help them when they need. They are to be fed and clothed and brought up in best possible way.


Childhood is the most delicate age of human life. Whatever happens to one in this age, it leaves its imprints forever. It it the age when personality is built. If brought up in a constructive environment, children would be good human beings and if they are brought up irresponsibly, then the flaws in their personalities will become permanent. Most of the successful people in the history of this world were successful because they un-intentionally shaped their minds in their childhood while same is true for most of the criminals. Those children who are not treated good in their childhood do not become good parents in most cases because of their personality flaws and vice versa.

For these reasons, Islam has made it s responsibility to bring up children in the best manner. Children should be treated with respect and love because they are just like mirror. What you do with them today, they will return you the same and probably more. If they learn love and respect, they will give it back.

Islam starts in the life of a human being in very early age. Children are not exempted when it comes to adhere the deen but the manner of their obedience is different. When a child is born, from that day on, parents become responsible for them. It is their responsibility to make their children familiar with islam at this young age so that it become part of their personality.

As we know, childhood is the age where no sin in incurred but the reward of all the good deeds in given to the child. Plus, parents are also rewarded for that good deed done by child because it was they who taught him to be good. This is indicated by the hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim, narrated by Ibn Abbaas, that a woman lifted a child to the Prophet, salallahu �alayhi wa salam, during his farewell Hajj and said: �O Messenger of Allah, is there Hajj for him?� He, salallahu �alayhi wa salam, replied: �Yes, and there is reward for you.�

similarly, whoever teaches the child a good act besides parents Is also rewarded. A saying of beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh indicates it in the following words, �For the one who guides to good, a reward similar to that of the one who performs it.� Narrated in Saheeh Muslim.

Coming to the bad deeds; children learn from their surroundings. If they learn something bad, like abusing or other un-islamic things, then they are free of the punishment because in their age of innocence, they cannot learn the difference between right and wrong. For them, everything is fun and game. So when they do something bad, it befalls on the elders to stop them, especially parents. Because if they are ignored, they might repeat the same thing and learn even more bad things.

Children should not be left with what they do, rather they should be appreciated when they act nicely and they should be stopped in polite way when they at bad.

Muzaffarnagar riots: Three months on, women worse off

Comment: the country is just a hell-hole for women :(
Hindu women protesting the arrest of their men and the 'false' cases lodged against them; horrified Muslim gang-rape survivors in relief camps; harassment on way to school forcing Hindu girls to stay at home; mass 'panic' marriages of Muslims girls from victim families.
Women have borne the brunt of the September riots in western UP, which were perpetuated in the name of saving their honour. The communal violence, in which 65 people were killed and over 60,000 displaced, only reinforced the region's deep-rooted patriarchy.
Over a dozen women panchayats have taken place in Muzaffarnagar, Meerut and Shamli in the past one month. "Such panchayats are adding to the tension and we cannot stop them because any mishandling of women will only deepen the crisis," says a police officer.
While local leaders justify these 'armed' panchayats, saying the women are only protesting against the injustice being meted out to their men, some dailies have published photographs glorifying the women who brandished countrymade pistols and swords as 'chandis' (goddesses) out to protect their honour.
"Women with weapons standing along with their children not only shows the sense of insecurity among them but also how divisive forces have successfully penetrated into the society," said Manju Bharti, a Muzaffarnagar-based activist. "Communalisation of women means the rift will last for generations."
In sharp contrast to these armed women are the scores of those who were sexually assaulted during the riots and who are now living in relief camps. Activists who visited these camps say rape survivors are devastated and do not want to go back to their native villages, where they were violated and their family members were killed.
Over 600 weddings have taken place in the relief camps so far. People claim, somewhat dubiously, that most of the marriages were fixed before the riots and are being solemnized now. Post-riots, new restrictions have also being imposed on the movements of girls. Attendance of girls in schools has registered a huge drop.
For the past two years, instances of sexual assault and harassment were used selectively to whip up communal passions, eventually leading to the horrific violence.
"Men are constructing 'fear' in the name of 'honour' and then using it to impose their decision on women," says activist Roma Malik, who visited the affected areas recently. "Violence against women is common in both the communities, but this time it has been given a communal colour, making it a double whammy."
Muslim rape survivors are keeping quiet, fearing stigma. Many Hindu women, their men behind bars, fear they may be targeted now. And the fear of something untoward happening is making Hindu girls drop out of schools and forcing Muslim families to marry off their daughters.
"The communal forces which instigated the riots have hijacked the khap panchayats infamous for issuing Talibani diktats against the women," says Madhu Garg, state secretary, All India Democratic Women's Association, who has prepared a report on the riots after visiting the affected areas.
All this does not bode well for the status of women. The sex ratio in Muzaffarnagar is an abysmal 889 females per 1,000 males and the child sex ratio is a pathetic 863. Female literacy is 58.69% against the average of 69.12%. Most girls drop out of school after Class 10. Crimes against women are common in the region.
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