Monday, 3 February 2014

Wife of Famous Cricketer Mohammad Yousuf also converts to islam

Wife of Famous Cricketer Mohammad Yousuf also converts to islam after taking Shahada. Below you will read Interview of his wife which was taken after she accepted Islam in 2009.


As Famous Cricketer of Pakistan Mohammad Yousad old name Yousaf Youhana already converted to islam. Now his wife is also converted to islam and took the name Fatima Yousaf. Mohammad Yousaf already came in media about his conversion to islam so we thought to interview wife of Mohammad Yousaf Fatima Yousaf to take her views On Islam and to know why she actually converted? Following is her discussion.

Sister what you felt after converting to islam? what are your feelings as a muslim?

the happiness I have got after accepting islam can't be explained in words. Islam is universal religion. sometimes I thought why I not became a muslim before. But Allah SWT has set a time for everthing. I am very happy and thankful to Allah SWT. me and Yousaf will try our best to Follow islam.

Name Fatima was chosen by you or your Husband after accepting islam?

It was decided by both of us. Fatima is a very good name. I told Yousaf to think a name for me first. finally we decided this name.

Islam asks women to do Hijab do you do Hijab?

When I accepted islam I was not offering the Prayers but Yousaf made me realize about it and told me that I will feel real happiness and satisfaction in offering Prayer. so now I offer five prayers and recite Quran which is really changing my life.

What you will say about Quran?

Quran is a pure book and it was given to Prophet Mohammad saw. I would like to give the message to all muslims through your website to read and follow the Quran. it will change your life.

Do you think why you not converted to islam before?

until I was a christian I did not thought about it but now I often think why I not converted to Islam before.

Do you believe in Luck?

yes whatever Allah Swt has written in our luck will must happen. and whatever Allah has written in our lucks we get it.

After becoming a muslim you would like a simple life or would like to become a modern women?

when we accepted islam there was pressure by our relatives that why we are converted to islam but now things are changed. I would like to follow Islam in my life.

Do you also want your relatives to become muslims?

its my strong desire that they also accept islam. it will be great thing inshallah.

What is the biggest change in you after converting to islam?

when I was a christian I never thought much about poor and needy people. but now I try my best to help them and its gives me great satisfaction.

Jazakallah Khair Sister for the wonderful Interview.

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