Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Is it Muhammad (pbuh) or his Message that is important?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was committed to get the message to the people � if we study him through our own God given intellect, by asking why he said whatever he said, we will find him to be one of the greatest communicators in the world. 

A majority of Muslims have gotten his message, its the message and not him. A few are still in the mode of worshipping him without realizing it. A few have put him on a pedestal equal to God. That was not his message.

Why must he have said the following?
1. I am going to die like you, and be buried like you;
2. I prefer to be buried in an unmarked grave;
3. Don�t make images of me; it is not me you need to focus on
4. No Anbiya should be treated anything less...that is the pinnacle of humility.
5. When he appealed to God that his message is not being received...

He wanted us to get the message of Tauhid, humility, equality and the essence of the message and not the messenger. He wanted us to get his message and not him. 
Don't you think Prophet would be happy with his followers if they follow his message and not become copy cats of what he appeared, or what he wore or ate. Doesn't that amount to idolatry. I rather get the essence of his message and be a Rahma to the world around me than wear a beard.

If it is not common sense, then it is not Islam.

By the way, this message will be posted at for the benefit of general public, both Muslim and non-Muslim alike.
Thank you

Mike Ghouse
In a message dated 5/27/2015 3:50:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

Dear Br Mike, Salaam
Please try to distinguish between the Shea'r of Rasulullah (S) and his directives. Shea'r  are his habits, his personal like and dislikes. That is not Hadith. If one does not follow his (S) Shea'r,  it is not a sin buy if one follow them too out of love for Rasulullah (S),he will be rewarded. It is optional.
Most of the items that you have enlisted fall in the category of Shea'r   Now you think where you stand?
Dear Mike,
Thanks for the clarifications. Frankly speaking I was so sad to have a learned Muslim judging the lawfulness of a bounty of God based on whether the Prophet or his companion availed of it. Such thinking will freeze Islam to the Prophet's era and make the statement of the following verse of the Qur'an null and void:
�Say: �Who has forbidden the beautiful (gifts) (zinat) of God, which He has brought forth for His servants, and wholesome means of sustenance?� Say: �They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) especially for them on the Day of Judgment.� Thus do We explain the signs in detail for those who know� (7:32).

What shocked me to the core is somebody writing in English, typing out his thoughts on a laptop, sitting possibly on a chair, wearing stitched 2-3 piece clothes - none of which the Prophet or his companions did, castigating others for quoting songs or cutting jokes as the Prophet and his companions never did so. The people who avail the innumerable bounties of God in this era that was not there in the Prophet's time but finding fault in such great gifts of God as song, music and humor seem to suffer cognitive dissonance - though I may be wrong. By the way to avoid giving any personal opinion i include below an excerpt from my duly authenticated book, Chapter 41.3 [Essential Message of Islam]:

In the Qur�anic discourse, God has created man in the finest model (95:4/Ch. 10), and has accorded him special bounties over the rest of creation (17:70/Ch. 10). These include, among others, the diverse avenues of recreations and entertainment, and natural art forms, which in turn are nothing but allurements (zinat, 57:20/41.1 above) of life and means of �play and amusement� (6:32/ Ch. 8.2, 7:51, 47:36/41.1). While the Qur�an cautions humanity not to be deceived by them (57:20), or to make them their religion (7:51), its generic injunction on the lawfulness of all the beautiful things (zinat) of life (7:32/Ch. 25.4), gives no ground to discard or renounce them. Thus, there are traditions supporting the Prophet�s approval of the prevalent sports and recreational activities, that included, among others, singing, music and artistic dance performance.5

May I request Iftekhar bhai to pass copies of my jt publication if he is left with any to a few of the recipients of this mail as per his discretion.
In a message dated 5/26/2015 10:22:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Dear Shamim Bhai,
Can you be relevant to the topic?
We need to be truthful to ourselves.
Shamim bhai,  
nobody can follow the prophet
it�s merely fancy talk.
1. Can you dress up like him
2. Can you marry 11 women, can you do two?
3. Can you ride on the camel
4. Can you be the Amin?   [YES, WHY NOT]
5. Can you be a mercy to a Jew, Hindu, Christian, pagan.[Yes, WHY NOT}..
6. We can make a substantial list... that you can talk but don't mean it. 
I follow a few things of the prophet in principle - like being the Amin and kind and without bias towards others.... be just, truthful and caring.

The above is a continuation of the previous message

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