Saturday, 11 July 2015

Eid Ul Fitr 2015 Celebrations

we are now going through the final week of Holy month of Ramadan 2015. 24 days of this month passed away so quickly and now Eid Ul Fitr 2015 is reaching near. Muslims are preparing the celebrate the festival of Eid with great excitement. people are buying new dresses and shoes. women are buying bangles, dresses, shoes, Henna and other Items.


Eid will be celebrated possibly on Saturday 18th July 2015 in Saudi Arabia. In Pakistan it will be on Sunday 19th July 2015 as Ramadan started a day later here so Eid will also come a day later. according to Islamic Calendar this Eid is celebrated on 1st date of Shawwal according to Islamic Calendar after end of Ramadan.

people gets ready in the morning by wearing new dresses and goes for Eid Prayer. after prayer they hug each other to wish the Eid. amazing dishes are made specially sweet dishes. people go to houses of their relatives and friends for greeting them. some people also visits graveyard to pray for their dear ones who passed away. Kids also receive money from their elders on this day which is known as Eidi.

On this Eid 2015 we should not forget those Muslims who are suffering in countries like Iraq and Syria. Remember them in your prayers and also send donations for them.

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