Friday, 2 October 2015

Are you concerned about Muslim bashing in America?

Find out what the newly formed
American Muslim Institution (AMI) is doing about it.

American Muslim Institution is formed to bring about necessary changes in American attitudes towards Muslims, coupled with Muslim activism to achieve that goal. Our mission is to be a credible
, proactive voice for American Muslims and to promote a positive image of Muslims through dialogue and understanding both within the American Muslim community and with other American religious communities, civic and political leaders, and opinion makers. 


Contact: Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Aquilur Rahman, Board Chairman  (310) 983-4006
Ambassador Islam Siddiqui, President  (202) 725-7409
Mr. Tufail Ahmad, Board Member          (301)299-3199

Inshallah, when we are seen as contributors to the Unity, peace, prosperity and security of our nation, we will become a positive part of the American story. 

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