Thursday, 17 December 2015

Mike Ghouse on Bryan Blue's Radio Show about Trump's Muslim Ban

Trump's proposed ban on Muslims, Keeping America safe from radical Muslims, Is Islam a violent religion? 

I will be on Bryan Blue�s Syndicated Radio Show on Friday 10 PM and will be repeated on Monday at 7 AM. I have been on several Radio stations and Tv Stations on Trump's bigotry.

Hosted by:  Bryan Blue and Jamie Kinser-Knight
Guests: Danny Coulson FBI and Mike Ghouse with AMI (American Muslim Institution)

KFTW Fort Worth, TX 97.5 Mondays @ 7am & Fridays @ 10pm
KNNK Amarillo, TX 100.5FM Sundays @ 12pm Noon
KDAV Lubbock, TX 1590 AM Saturdays @ 12pm Noon
KVOP Plainview, TX 1090 AM Saturdays @ 12pm Noon
WUKB Lexington, KY 103.5FM and 1480AM Saturdays & Sundays @ 3PM
KOTO Telluride, CO 91.7FM Varies
WDNG Anniston, AL 1450AM Saturdays @ 10am

---------------------- Here are some of my talking points; ... so they are not constructed as an essay.

Let�s keep America great forever!

It is disappointing to hear the uncouth rhetoric from the presidential candidate, Donald Trump.

The role of the President is to keep America safe from outside forces and internal conflicts, and to help Americans achieve in their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.

Mr. Trump has trampled on the very fundamental values of our immortal declaration,   �that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.�

The very first amendment guarantees its citizens the freedom of religion and states, �Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof� there is absolutely no religious test to be given to anyone, but Mr. Trump wants to give religious tests to those who want to enter the United States, is he going against what America stands for?

Is Mr. Trump a traitor for violating our constitution?

No, he is not; the beauty of our land is, we allow freedom of speech to everyone, and that is the inalienable right of Americans.  If that freedom allows one to yell fire in a theater and cause mishaps and deaths, the utterer is responsible for such losses.

There is an old saying �evil exists in the world, because good people do nothing about it.� Indeed, it is shocking to see the support Trump is receiving from the cesspool of a small percent of Republicans. The same goes to the other bigot Carson, who is what he is today because of the equal rights and civil rights act and he wants to violate them as well.

Mr. Trump is an ungrateful man; he forgets that many of men and women who have served him or his management and staff are Muslims among Indians, who are Doctors, Engineers, Architects and Managers in managing and sustaining his empire.  Mr. Trump forgets that the cell phone he uses was the invention of the son of a Muslim immigrant, the extensive business he has set up in Dubai is with Muslims, the ones he does not want to enter America.

The brunt of his rhetoric and subsequent actions will be borne by average middle class Americans, not him, absolutely not him or his ilk but the Americans. What if Russians see this opportunity and offer all the Muslim nations to supply arms, grains, and technology? Nearly fourth of our employment in the US is based on dealings with the Muslim majority nations. God forbid if Trump were to be the president, Americans are screwed.

I have full faith in American constitution, and trust the majority of my fellow Americans to have the moral integrity to do what is right, and that is to speak out against disruptive, divisive rhetoric.  I am proud of America, my fellow Americans who are Republicans, are finally coming to the point to say, we had enough of this bull and start condemning evil. I appreciate the leadership of Senator 
Lindsey Graham, not only did he tell Trump to �go to hell,� he also articulated the need to be morally right and not worry about the consequences in politics.

Just look at our record, we have never nominated an extremist as a presidential candidate who was hell bent on pitting one Americans against the other and messing with the character of our nation. Never!

Trump will be dumped or the Republicans stand to lose.  Look at the election mathematics � Obama won over Romney 51-49% of the votes. In November 2000, Bush received 50, 456, 002 votes against Gore�s 50,999, 897 Votes but won the election by 5 electoral votes 271 V 266.

In a 2012 people survey by Pew research, 35% of registered voters identify with Democratic Party, 28% with Republicans and 33% as independents.  The current number may be different, but the point is the importance of independent voters, who can tilt the results either way.  Almost the entire conservative and supremacist vote goes to the Republicans, that leave the tilting votes in the hands of immigrants who are Hispanic, Muslims, and others, add to that Jewish vote for Democrats.

As an American Muslim, who revere�s America�s constitution on par with all the holy books including Quran, which places the greatest value on human rights, dignity, individualism, and accountability of individual�s actions towards building a cohesive society, I cherish the checks and balances built in our constitution.

I believe we need to seriously consider placing our loyalty to America over loyalty to the party. We need to develop a system where we can shape the majority in the Senate and Congress to each party and not the same party, and work on giving them simple majority. It will allow serious debates on the issues and prevent slam dunking the bills.  Indeed, most of the bad things that have happened in America can be attributed to big majorities for the same party in both the houses. It has to be on our minds.

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.� and we have to exercise that consent now.

I am confident; Americans at large will dump this man.

Let�s keep America great forever! 

# # #

Role of Muslims in America.

It is the responsibility of all Americans to help law enforcement officials in maintaining law and order and to assure the safety of every citizen. It is the duty of all of us to fight against radicalization through education and community engagement and work on promoting peace and harmony.

Muslims have consistently stood up against extremism and radicalism.

Some of the steps we have taken to counter terrorism:

1.  A small step for Muslims, but a giant leap for America.

2.  Evil exists because good people do nothing about it, as Good Muslims we are condemning the ISIS and Terrorist. This is the first time; Muslims have demonstrated against Terrorism 20 seconds video

3.  This item has captured the essence of demonstrations on the steps of Lincoln Memorial

4.  This press release is about the San Bernardino Mass shooting

 As American Muslims we have a greater responsibility in countering radicalization and violent extremism.   

We are countering one of the most difficult times in the last thirty plus years.  The San Bernardino mass shooting coupled with presidential candidate Donald Trump�s rhetoric has ratcheted the apprehensions, and there are some who are adding fuel to the fire.

Muslims across the nations are going through serious soul searching and meeting every place and in every city.  The situation is severe.

We have a responsibility to bring comfort to the frightened ones, and seriously participate in shaping a secure and safe America for every American. 

We have bad apples, but they are proportionate to our population.  We need to take concrete steps to bring positive changes but not excessive reactions.  

About me:
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, news maker, and a speaker on PluralismInterfaithIslampoliticshuman rightsIndiaIsrael-PalestineTerrorism and foreign policy. Over 3000 Articles have been published on the subjects. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at and bulk of his writings are at

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