Thursday, 31 December 2015

Results for Muslims

Results for America Together Foundation, World Muslim Congress and the Foundation for Pluralism. 

There are many outcomes we desire.  Here is what we have done and continue to do, and if this appeals to you, we ask your support.

Conflicts fade and solutions emerge when we learn about each other, and demystify the myths about others.  

What have we done? It�s a successful three fork strategic action plan; engage with TV, Print and Radio Media, engage with polarized minds and, be a catalyst in social integration.

All our work is about taking the relationships from detached estrangement to positive engagement with successful outcomes, almost all our activities are bridge building in nature. 

1. Positive engagement with Fox News, instead of running away from it. We chose to work with Sean Hannity and Stuart Varney, who finally promised not to use the phrase �Muslim Terrorist� or bash Quran.  I have been on Hannity for six years and have appeared on 110 TV shows and innumerable Syndicated Radio shows and about 5 times on Stuart Varney Show, and nearly 150 times on Fox News. Video-1Video -2

2. Unity Day USA, turning a negative 9/11 day into a positive unifying day for over 12 years in a row now.

3. Holocaust and Genocides � for 10 years now, we have been building bridges with people, and almost all communities who have endured these brutalities by coming together and seeing the humanness in each one of us and reflect on never again.

4. Thanksgiving Celebrations and Awards Night � for 18 years, we have been sharing different cultural expressions with fellow Americans.

5. Peacefully easing the Quran burning pastor Terry Jones into oblivion through non-violent positive engagement. If funds become available a documentary will be made for the Muslim world to understand free speech and for non-Muslims to clearly understand that violence is not Islamic but comes from the fringe among us.

6.  Successfully handled Quran bashing by Pastor Robert Jeffers into an educational event and creating a positive understanding about Quran among pastors, clergy, rabbis, and others. These ten pastors in Dallas will defend the sanctity of Quran with their church members, as they were a part of the solutions in the conference.  Umpteen TV and Newspaper write ups about it.

7. In Summary � over 3000 Articles on Islam, Pluralism and other matters are written. 175 TV appearances, over 150 syndicated Radio shows, and over 30 major events to bring people together.

Our mission at America Together Foundation is simply this; �To build a cohesive America where no American has to live in tension, apprehension or fear of the others.�  We need an America where Muslim, Jews, African Americans, Latinos and all others feel safe, and want their children�s life style to continue to be secure despite Trumps and other hiccups., and ;

We can do a lot more to turn things around for Muslims and fellow Americans, please donate generously at

What did I write about Sean Hannity, Stuart Varney and Fox News today?
Let me know, and I will be happy to email you.

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, newsmaker and a professional speaker on PluralismInterfaithIslam politicshuman rights,  Terrorism,
  and foreign policy.  Mike is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. Visit him - 63 links at and his writings are at 

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