Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Muslims Used To Love Living In Tennessee � Now It's A Nightmare


Muslims Used To Love Living In Tennessee � Now It's A Nightmare

Courtesy of Buzz Feed

"In November 2011, Geller and Spencer both attended a conference in Nashville promoted as the �first true national conference on Sharia and the Islamization of America.� National groups were finding fertile ground in Tennessee."

Note:  They did not invite me to the conference, but have claimed on the Wikipedia entry that I chose not to attend. 

" Ossama Bahloul, the imam of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, recalls feeling deeply uneasy when LGBT groups expressed their support during the campaign to stop the building of his mosque; recently, he declined to support one of these groups in return." 
�You might find it very confusing,� Bahloul says. �Politically, how am I going to support someone who is against my personal values? Because he supports my existence? And the very conservative person shares with me the same values � but he is against my existence.�

Standing up for the rights of all humanity is the Muslim thing to do, however, just like the conservative Christians, Conservative Muslims are opposed to the LGBT.  I am glad, I was one of the first few Muslims in America to have seen a clear distinction between the rights of individuals and have supported and would defend the rights of LGBT community. What they do is between them and God, I have no right to pass judgments against any one.  Thank God, Congressman Keith Ellison stood up for their rights and finally I believe (Needs to be verified) ISNA also recognized the right of each human, hetrosexual or homosexual. 
This article is worth reading, its quite long, but there is a lot to understand here. Article at:  http://www.buzzfeed.com/davidnoriega/muslims-used-to-love-living-in-tennessee-now-its-a-nightmare?utm_term=.hwG3195M1#.xsXlkdzgk 

Muslims Used To Love Living In Tennessee � Now It's A Nightmare

Muslims Used To Love Living In Tennessee � Now It's A Nightmare

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