Sunday, 10 April 2016

Passionate debate erupts over the future for women in Islam

Indeed, I agree with Zahra, Muslim understanding of Islam needs reform and not Islam.  Hibaq at the very end could have said, both Human rights and Islam go hand in hand, however the abuse of Sharia Law is what needs to be prevented. Farah's focus on the millennials was perfect. Ayan started with the Pew Survey, which is very questionable and even though I wrote about it, and have talked about it on Fox News - it needs more mileage to counter her arguments.  Here is the link questioning the Pew Survey at World Muslim Congress Hiba's comment was great, but somehow it did not make the impact - that is if you want the change the course of the boat, you have to be in the boat.

It is a good discussion, all of them made good points.

Mike Ghouse
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Sparks flew when Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who lives under a fatwa for her condemnation of Sharia law, came face to face with fellow Somali women�s activist Hibaaq Osman

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