Friday, 12 September 2014

Dates of Hajj and Eid Ul Adha 2014

Every year millions of Muslims from around the world go for hajj. from Pakistan to Indonesia and from US to Egypt people travels to Saudi Arabia for performing one of the five Islamic pillar Hajj. Hajj is considered biggest gathering of human beings anywhere in the world. It is obligatory for every Muslim who has enough money to perform Hajj at least once in life.


according to Islamic date Hajj is performed from 8th to 12th of Dhu al-Hijjah. after Hajj Eid Ul Adha is celebrated by all the Muslims around the world on 10th Dhu al-Hijjah which continues for three days. on this Eid sacrifice of animals is also performed.


Dates of Hajj and Eid Al Adha 2014:

Hajj is expected to take place from 2nd to 7th of October.

Eid Al Adha is expected to take place on 4th or 5th October.

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