Friday, 12 September 2014

Poll: 92% of Saudis believe that Islamic State �conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law�

In a purely Islamic country, where there is no need to conceal their true allegiances, 92% of Muslims believe the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) "conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law." What do Muslims in the West really think?  See my Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Muslim for some sobering insights into the real world of "moderate" Muslims in the West.

92% of Saudi�s believe that �IS(IS) conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law� � Poll
Muslim Statistics via Jihad Watch � August 24, 2014

Saudi poll to reveal public�s level of sympathy for IS

The Sakina Campaign plans to carry out a scientific survey to determine the position of the Saudi public on the �caliphate� announced by the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. This comes after the results of an opinion poll of Saudis were released on social networking sites, claiming that 92% of the target group believes that �IS conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law.� 

Observers believe that in the current period, it is most important to �focus on the roots of extremism and to address and fight it.�

The Saudi Sakina campaign plans to conduct a survey to determine the extent to which the Saudi public sympathizes with the Islamic State and its recent declaration of a caliphate.

Author Abdullah al-Duhailan, Rahma Thiab, Shaden al-Hayek
July 22, 2014, Al-Hayat
Translator(s) Tyler Huffman

Meanwhile, Saudi families refused to hold mourning gatherings for their sons who were killed in troubled places outside of the kingdom. The �confusion� that was sparked by IS� recent expansion saw the proliferation of websites selling shirts carrying slogans that called for jihad and glorified IS. 

Advisory Committee member Sheikh Abdullah al-Suwailem refused to classify those affiliated with terrorist groups as �criminals,� claiming that pressure had led them to join these groups in the absence of guidance.

Some of the families of those killed fighting outside of Saudi Arabia expressed their �joy,� refusing to show grief over the deaths of their sons...

Read the full article here...

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