Thursday, 26 February 2015

Coptic Monks Lay Before Bulldozers to Protect Ancient Christian Site, Muslim Workers Yell �Allahu Akbar!�

by Raymond Ibrahim, February 25, 2015


A project to build a road around Fayum, Egypt, crosses the territory around the Coptic monastery of St. Macarius and threatens to destroy the ancient archaeological site around a church dating from the 4th century, or some 300 years before Islam was born and invaded Coptic Egypt.

In response, the monastery�s monks have objected with passive resistance � laying their bodies before the path of the bulldozers, which arrived with shouts of �Allahu Akbar� from the company drivers and workers (pictures above and below).

Previously the monks had submitted alternative plans that would allow for a road but also preserve Egypt�s ancient Christian site but authorities rejected them.



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