Saturday, 28 February 2015

�With This Sword Is Civilization And Humanity Slaughtered�

ISIS destroys priceless ancient statues and artifacts in Iraq stating, "The Prophet ordered us to get rid of statues and relics, and his companions did the same when they conquered countries after him."

by Raymond Ibrahim, February 27, 2015


The above cartoon from Arabic social media captures well the significance of the Islamic State�s recent destruction of priceless and ancient statues dating back thousands of years and which were once a reflection of the grandeur of early human civilization.

In the picture above, an IS member unsheathes his sword as he prepares to behead an ancient Babylonian statue.  His sheath is the Koran and the sword is covered with verses from the Koran. The caption states: �With this sword is civilization and humanity slaughtered.�

For more on this story, the Daily Mail reports:
Islamic State thugs have destroyed a collection of priceless statues and sculptures in Iraq dating back thousands of years. 
Extremists used sledgehammers and power drills to smash ancient artwork as they rampaged through a museum in the northern city of Mosul. 
Video footage shows a group of bearded men in the Nineveh Museum using tools to wreck 3,000-year-old statues after pushing them over...

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