Thursday, 2 April 2015

Boko Haram Beheads 23 People in Kano, Nigeria - Time for an 'Open, Honest Discussion about Islam'?

David Wood over at AnsweringMuslims asks what seems to be the most obvious first question about this latest Muslim atrocity:
"How many more people have to be beheaded before we can have an open, honest discussion about Islam?"

We might adapt this question for any number of Islamic phenomena:
  • How many more thousands of Christians have to be persecuted, killed or displaced by Muslims before we can have an open, honest discussion about Islam?
  • How many more thousands of Muslims have to leave the West to join ISIS before we can have an open, honest discussion about Islam?
  • How many more Muslim jihadi groups (such as Boko Haram) have to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State Caliphate (ISIS) before we can have an open, honest discussion about Islam?
  • How many more Muslims in the West have to be convicted of jihad terrorist activities, plots and funding before we can have an open, honest discussion about Islam?
  • How many more girls and women have to be abducted by Muslims before we can have an open, honest discussion about Islam?
  • How many more churches have to be destroyed by Muslims before we can have an open, honest discussion about Islam?
  • How many more Muslim jihadists have to justify their acts of violent extremism using specific citations from the Quran, the hadiths and the Sira (Life of Muhammad) before we can have an open, honest discussion about Islam?

Boko Haram Beheads 23 People in Kano, Nigeria
h/t David Wood at AnsweringMuslims, April 1, 2015


Kano, Nigeria (CNN)�Suspected Boko Haram gunmen decapitated 23 people in a raid on Buratai village in northeast Nigeria's Borno state, residents and a politician said Saturday. 

Scores of attackers invaded the village at 11 p.m. Friday when residents were mostly asleep and set homes on fire, hacking residents who tried to flee. 

"?The gunmen slaughtered their 23 victims like rams and decapitated them. They injured several people," said Ibrahim Adamu, a local politician who fled. 

"They burned a large part of the village and we are afraid some residents were burnt in the homes because most people had gone to bed when the gunmen struck," said Adamu, a ward councilor in the village. 

A paramedic ?at a government hospital in the nearby town of Biu said 32 people from Buratai were taken to the hospital with gunshot wounds and burns. 

"The injured victims said a lot of people were beheaded by the attackers," the paramedic said. (Continue Reading.)

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