Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Muslims Prevent Christians from Praying in Coptic Home

Rampant violence against Christians by their Muslim "neighbors" (not merely by jihadi terrorist groups like ISIS and Boko Haram) continues to escalate throughout Islamic world.


By Raymond Ibrahim, April 12, 2015

It is not enough that Muslims in Egypt prevent Christians from building or even renovating churches, but, as in other Muslim majority nations, when Christians merely meet in one of their homes, Muslims still attack and prevent them.

After Muslims in Egypt rioted and engaged in anti-Christian violence at the proposition that a church be built in al-Our to honor the Copts decapitated by the Islamic State in Egypt, and after Muslims rioted and engaged in anti-Christian violence because Copts got a license to renovate one of their dilapidated churches in Gala� village, Muslims are now attacking and preventing Christians from meeting in one of their homes to worship and pray.

In Tulihat Village, in Sohag�where Muslims rose in violence because the government permitted the Copts to repair their church�Arabic media report that, �Extremist Muslims prevented Copts from offering prayers in one of the Coptic homes in the village.�  It is worth noting that back in the 1990�s, the Christians of Tulihat tried to build a church but were attacked and prevented by rioting Muslims.

In related news, Muslims in Minya, Upper Egypt, attacked Coptic Christian homes, including by throwing stones at them, after Friday�s Islamic prayers yesterday.  The particular grievance here is that a young Coptic teacher and five others reportedly insulted Islam on Facebook.  The teacher is currently under arrested.

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