Monday, 20 April 2015

VIDEO: Who Would Dare to Love ISIS? (A Letter from the People of the Cross)

Watch and absorb this phenomenal response to ISIS and their 'Message Signed in Blood to the Nation of the Cross'. As the Savior might say, "Let it sink deep down into your very being." 

See all posts related to the 21 Coptic Martyrs of Libya.

Courtesy of OCP Media, April 20, 2015

April 2015
Website: (coming soon)
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @teammightyla

Vision: We want to tell the world of the great and mighty things of the Lord through online media. #teammightyla

As the world responds to the Islamic State with hatred and vengeance, there is one group that is responding differently. They are not allies with ISIS but enemies. And they have been slain by the thousands in the hands of ISIS. ISIS calls them The Nation of the Cross � The ones they have killed are bringing a message of forgiveness and hope. Declaring a love that they do not know � A love that reconciles even the worst of us and can make enemies into brothers.

We worked with several Arab Christians and Middle East Refugees to get their feedback. Also had it translated by an Arab Christian from Egypt.

Shot on a GoPro Hero 4 Black in 4k with a DJI Phantom 2. And a Panasonic GH4 with Zeiss 35mm lenses. Shot around the Big Sur region in CA.

Music is �Rise� from The Music Bed. Transcript below video...


A Letter from the People of the Cross to ISIS

The world is talking about you

Your apocalyptic dreams and spectacular sins

Are now awakening the middle east

In your holy war, come to holy ground

Come, children of Abraham come

The people of the cross gathers at your gates with a message

Love is coming after you.

Like a rush of wind grazing over the pacific

From hills of the mount of olives to the desert winds of Jordan

From the cedars of lebanon to the silk roads of the East

An army comes. With no tanks or soldiers

But an army of martyrs faithful unto death

Carrying a message of life

The people of the cross

Comes to die at your gates.

If you wont hear our message with words

Then we will show you with our lives

Laid down.

For every throat you slit and every woman you rape

For every man you burn and every child you turn to dust

There is blood on your hands brother

But Come Brothers Come

Come with your bloodstained hands,

Come with your eyes full of murder for the people of the Cross,

Come lay your guns and your knives at the foot of the cross

A love that is overdue and overwhelming

Breathes through your cities

Though your sins are like scarlet

They can be washed white as snow

Though you call yourselves servants

He will make you into Sons

Where can you run from His love?

Even the darkness cannot hide you

Come Brothers Come

There is the sound of a rushing rain

To remove your sins and bind your wounds

You die for your god but our God died for us

The King of Kings comes to be the sacrificial lamb

Slain on the altar where we should have been

Jesus Christ, Isa Al Masih

Walks through the Middle East

There is forgiveness tonight oh brother

There is healing for your sins oh brother

We are no different.

Apart from Christ, we are no better than the worst jihadist

Christ has been crucified once. and for All.

To make sinners like you and me into brothers

Even you.

Even now.

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