Monday, 15 June 2015

15 Tip For a Child Friendly Ramadan

Holy Ramadan is not only a exciting month for the elders but it also excites the Children very much. Many Kids wants to fast in the Holy Month but it is also Important to take proper care of them while fasting. In this post I will share some useful tips to make Ramadan Friendly for your child and make them love this blessed holy month.

So Here are these useful tips:

1 Do fun arts and crafts on Ramadan Theme. It will really excite your little ones.

2 Keep a shared Ramadan journal between you and your child.

3 cut down on outdoor physical activities. do simple Indoors ones instead.

4  Offer the Taraweeh prayer together but if Kids are too young give them quiet activities.

5 encourage the sharing and charity. Share the toys and books with poor kids.

6 Have Ramadan themed play dates and create a puppet show.

7 Early to bed to early to rise for Sahoor before Fajr.

8 decorate the house with Ramadan Banners to add the feel of festivity.

9 show a good example by not whining about your fatigue or hunger. it will set example for them.

10 reward them but explain them about the greater reward by Allah SWT.

11 create a mini savings bank and encourage kids to save the money and donate on Eid.

12 give lots of moral support for the fasting child. explain the virtues daily with love.

13 read them books about Ramadan or create your own story.

14 give them more fruits and juices for sahoor instead of unhealthy snacks.

15 give them healthy food In Iftar. Fruit chat is a good option instead of oily spicy foods.

Inshallah these 15 tips will greatly help to make the Ramadan Kareem more friendly and exciting for your kids.

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