Saturday, 20 June 2015

Muslim Bulletin Week 25 : Ramadan, don't mess with Quran, Fathers day, Sharia-ism, freedom of speech,

Muslim Bulletin # 25 | World Muslim Congress

What does it take to change the perceptions about Muslims? Myths about us will not disappear by themselves, we have to take the initiative and make an effort to bring about the change. Nothing will happen by itself. 

What are your thoughts? Can you support such initiative? Please let us know.

I am pleased to share this week�s items,
please feel free to share and give the feedback.

1. Ramadan Mubarak
2. Father's Day
3. Situation in South Carolina
4. Sharia-ism
5. International Yoga day
6. Rick Perry and Muslims
7. Muslims for freedom of speech
8. Don't mess with Quran.
9. McKinney police brutality
0. Speech at Aligarh Muslim University

Thank you.

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916
1. Ramadan Mubarak

May this Ramadan be blessings to the Aalameen, Amen!  Since 2010, God has blessed me to visit a mosque a day for Iftaar, and Alhamdu Lillah I have visited every Mosque of every denominations in Dallas including Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The purpose of visiting different Mosque was to learn about each others' varied traditions - to respect the otherness of others as God has guided and get rid of the Takabbur in us. It was also to knock out the ignorance about others. You can read some of the articles about Ramadan - the spirit, rituals, politics and traditions of Ramadan on the left panel

2. Father's Day

On father's day, I will be dutifully meditating for about half an hour to reflect on my father; Mohamed Abdul Rahman. I will perform special prayers to express my gratitude to him. He is one of my mentors, and an affectionate and caring father who opened many windows of knowledge for us. If you are one of the parents who teach your children to .....


3. Situation in South Carolina

On June 18, 2015, a terrorist barged in to a Church in Charleston and killed 9 innocent people.  A place of worship is a universal sanctuary of peace and we must all be conditioned to believe and practice it. These acts of terror are perpetrated by individuals from every tradition; in no case the religion authorized them to do the harassment or killing.  The criminals are there in every region, religion and race.

Jon Stewart on South Carolina - he speaks justice for all. This video is worth watching, he has touched on the causes of ISIS and terrorism. charleston-massacre.html/

4. Sharia-ism

There is indeed a genuine Sharia that God has given in Quran, but is not practiced by Muslims as they have created their own man made Sharia. For example - a man can shout the ugly word Talaq three times in one breath, or even text it to the wife, bringing an abrupt chaos and distress in a woman's life, women live in eternal fear and that practice is not coming from a just God or a Merciful  Prophet.  Ironically God's Sharia is followed by America and other democracies and not by Muslim Nations. The documentary is produced by Hasan Mahmud based on existing Sharia laws. If we get the funding we hope to dub it in Urdu, Pushtu or whatever languages we can make it as a part of education.  Video -

5. International Yoga day

Yoga is best thing that has happened to humans. It is a good thing for human body; and it increases the cohesive functioning of mind, body and the soul. What messes our body is what we consume; food, water and air, and its regulator in the form of exercise.

The Indian Government has announced an International Yoga Day making it compulsory for everyone to observe. However, it should have been introduced as an option, giving complete freedom to choose, rather than making it compulsory.  When people are given choices, it will increase acceptability with least resistance; I mean any change for that matter, it goes thru the same process.

6. Rick Perry and Muslims

Addison, Texas -- June 4, 2015 -- It takes guts, a lot of guts for a Presidential candidate to embrace Muslims from the word go! Perry has got that. Given the unabashed bigotry displayed by a number of Presidential candidates against Muslims, Rick Perry took the bold step in paving the way for inclusionary politics in the GOP, and of course Sean Hannity was there at the event and asked me if I supported Perry? The answer is in Full article at


7. Muslims for freedom of speech

Freedom is a God given gift that we should cherish! God could have stopped Iblees from tempting Adam and Eve, he could have stopped Adam from consuming the forbidden fruit, and he could have saved Jesus to continue his mission. Moses did not have to speak up against Pharaoh; Muhammad (pbuh) did not have to endure persecution. God Almighty could have stopped everyone, but he did not, he gave us the freedom to choose how we (the people) deal with conflicts and restore harmony. Indeed Freedom of speech is a Muslim value and there is no compulsion in the matters of faith - full article at


8. Messing with Quran

How wrong was I to believe that almost all Muslims were aware of the mis-translations of Quran. It came as a big surprise to me to know that there are Muslims `
Who innocently believe that everything they read "about" Quran is divine without ever questioning it. Please be aware that there are two translations of Quran that are not only wrong, but bad. They have attempted to mess with Quran, but failed.

9. McKinney Police Brutality

It was good to have two Muslims present at the protest, and I was able to lead and moderate the protest in front of McKinney Police Head Quarters. To those men and women who are biased towards the others, please wake up, and don�t live in fear and pass that on to your children. Don�t mess with their future, and don�t make them unfits to live in a pluralistic society. Very soon, you will find people of different faiths, cultures, ethnicities, races, nationalities and social backgrounds working, eating, playing, marrying, and doing things together. Prepare them for it, rather than prison them in your own tiny silos. 


0. Speech at Aligarh University

Vice Chancellor Zameeruddin Shah, Pro-VC Brig Syed Ahmad Ali and Dr. Shaz are committed to resuscitate the tradition of critical thinking at AMU, that Sir Syed Ahmed khan initiated. I was pleased to be a speaker, and included here is one of my 4 speeches. What buoyed me up was when Pro-VC acknowledge my talk about Akhira in his speech and expanded upon it.  

Mike Ghouse, Speaker
(214) 325-1916 text/talk
Mike Ghouse is a public speaker, thinker, writer and a commentator on PluralismIslam,IndiaIsrael-PalestinePolitics and other issues of the day. He is a human rights activist, and his book standing up for others will be out soon | He is producing a full feature film "Sacred" to be released on 9/11 and a documentary "Americans together" for a July 4 release.  He is a frequent guest commentator on Fox News and syndicated Talk Radio shows and a writer at major news papers including Dallas Morning News and Huffington Post. All about him is listed in 63 links at and his writings are at - Mike is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.

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