Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Pluralism in Islam - a video discussion.

VIDEO: Pluralism in Islam | World Muslim Congress
There are no conclusions, we have simply made an effort to understand pluralism, and we request the people who watch will carry on their own discussions, it is simply a process of learning. Please share it with your friends.

The presentation includes - a 20 minutes talk on Pluralism in Islam with a few verses from Quran and examples of the Prophet that are highlights of pluralism followed by commentary by Imam Zia Sheikh and discussion by fellow Muslims.



Pluralism is respecting the otherness of others and accepting the God given uniqueness of each other. In this video, Mike quotes from Quran and the Prophet's examples, and how pluralism is a way of life in Islam.
  1. Presenters: Dr. Imam Zia Sheikh, Adam Rasheed and Mike Ghouse
  2. Participants: Dr. Khawaja Nauman Anwar, Sana Anam Anwar, Dr. Mona Kazim Shah, Moazam Syed and Dr. Amer Suleman
  3. Video by: Bombay Photography
  4. Produced by: Mike Ghouse of World Muslim Congress, a think tank in Dallas.
  5. Sponsored by:  Mani Rahman,  Dr. Nauman Anwar and Dr. Amer Suleman for making this video possible.
We invite sponsor to produce a few more videos.
Thank you,

Mike Ghouuse is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist,  TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links at MikeGhouse.net and writings at TheGhouseDiary.com 

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