Sunday, 20 July 2014

Protests against Israeli Terror from around the world

Comment: I think for years Israel has taken advantage of the collective guilt the world and especially Europe feels due to the Holocaust to continue their oppression, but for how much longer? Public opinion is changing. Now is the time to continue to protest and push for sanctions, boycotts and divestment.

More than 150k Jews in NY protest against Israel the press is silent.

More than 150k Jews in NY protest against the press is silent. BsskC5_CcAAySUp

 This is Marseille, France where protestors risk arrest and imprisonment to protest.


Belfast, Northern Ireland.


Albany, NY, USA


Germany for #FreePalestine


 Belgium says NO to Zionist attacks on Gaza.


 Glasgow, Scotland #WorldWithGaza


 Anti-Israel protesters defy French ban on demonstrations

  Cape Town, South Africa. #WorldWithGaza


 Milan Italy #WorldWithGaza


 Aligarh, India #WorldWithGaza

 Porto Alegre, Brazil #WorldWithGaza


And I was marching alongside 100,000 protestors in London, a rally which the BBC barely mentioned. Shame on you BBC!


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