Saturday, 26 July 2014

Syrian Jihadis' First Imminent Threat to the West Is to Norway

by Enza Ferreri � July 25, 2014

First, Norway. The UK could be next. There will be an Islamic atrocity sooner or later.

Norway�s security services, PST, warned of an imminent, �concrete and credible� threat to the Scandinavian country in the week that marked the third anniversary of the mass killings by Anders Behring Breivik. 

The terrorist attack, "probably within a few days", will come from fighters involved in the conflict in Syria. The target, how or when such an attack would take place is unspecified.

According to PST�s assessment, about 50 people have travelled from Norway to fight in Syria. Half of them have gone back to Norway, and the intelligence agency could not rule out that people involved with this threat are already in Norway.

From RT's "West under threat: Terrorists from Syria are heading to Norway - officials":

A terrorist group has left Syria and is heading to Norway, said Norwegian intelligence officials. The statement comes the day after the country�s authorities were informed of a possible �terrorist attack� and took security measures. 
We received information that a group of people have traveled from Syria with the goal of carrying out a terror attack in the West, and Norway is specifically named,� Jon Fitje Hoffmann, a strategic analysis chief from PST, the Norwegian security intelligence group, told TV2, the largest commercial television station in Norway, �That was the starting point for the situation we are in now.� [Emphasis added]

From the Financial Times:

�We have information that a terrorist attack is planned on Norway in a short time, probably within a few days,� Benedicte Bj�rnland, head of the security services, told a hastily called press conference on Thursday. 

�We have received information that there are people who have fought on the ground in Syria involved. We are keeping all possibilities open. We will work intensely to develop a clearer picture of the threat.�

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