Friday, 11 July 2014

West moves away from Russia as the country returns to Orthodoxy, Lavrov believes

Obama supports Muslim terrorists, wages 'proxy war' on Mid-East Christians, schemes to annex Ukraine into Western sphere of influence, sends homosexual activists to Sochi Olympics. Naturally he is vigorously opposed to Russia, an Orthodox Christian nation returning to its timeless traditions. 

Darkness hates light.

West moves away from Russia as the country returns to Orthodoxy, Lavrov believes
Pravmir � June 6, 2014

Moscow, June 5, Interfax � Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov states that Russia returns to traditional spiritual values and it is one of the reasons why the West distances from it.

�Surprisingly, they start operating the thesis that the Soviet Union with its Communist doctrine at least stayed in the system of ideas worked out in the West, while modern Russia returns to its traditional values rooted in Orthodoxy and thus becomes even less understandable,� Lavrov said at his meeting with members of the Russian International Affairs Council in Moscow.

According to him, the contradiction �between objectively strengthening multipolarity and the USA and historical West strive to keep their usual dominating positions, between modern world�s cultural and civilization diversity and attempts to impose everyone Western scale of values.�

The latter, as the Minister said, �more and more tears apart from their own Christian roots and becomes less susceptible to religious feeling of people belonging to other confessions and religions.�

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