Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Icon of 21 Coptic Martyrs of Libya now available to purchase

Let us pray for our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters throughout the Islamic world, and commemorate the Holy New Martyrs of the 21st Century under the Sword of Islam...


From Legacy Icons, which has an amazing range of rare-image, mounted icons at fair prices.
  • Available in 4x5, 5x7, 8x10, 11x14 and 16x20 inches.
  • Prices range from $22.95 to $139.95

The website describes the icon as follows:
This icon, from iconographer Tony Rezk shows the 21 Coptic Martyrs in the orange jumpsuits they were wearing when they were Martyred.  The water behind them has turned red with their blood as 21 crowns descend from Heaven indicating their Martyrdom as Jesus Christ welcomes them into his glory. 
This icon comes with a certificate on the back which lists the names of each of the 21 Martyrs.  Also included with this icon is an additional copy of the certificate.  This can be placed next to the icon and is perfect for prayer. 
The iconographer has directed us to for anyone looking to make a donation. 
*Because of the high volume of orders we receive for this icon and that they are custom made to order, please allow 7-10 business days for your order to ship.

More info, including images of the mounting and backing on the Legacy Icons website.

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