Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The leader of resistance to occupation from Algeria: Lala Fatima N'Soumeur



The leader of resistance to occupation from Algeria: Lala Fatima N'Soumeur
1830 - 1863
She was an intelligent child whose father took care to educate her in religious sciences and left her in charge of his Quranic memorization school after his death. Her reputation for knowledge spread quickly throughout the Algerian tribes.
At the time, Algeria was under French occupation, and one day the French army launched a military assault on her village.
Fatima bravely fought alongside her brother and sparked fear in the hearts of the French, so much so that they started telling tales of the Algerian �Joan of Arc�.
After the day her village was attacked, she became active in the resistance and was part of many military campaigns. she achieved one victory after another, until the French army had to offer her a truce which she accepted. However, the French army soon broke that truce and attacked her village and captured Fatima and seized her library (which was rumored to have contained around 150 books) 

Fatima was placed in a prison under heavy French guard and there she stayed for several years until she suddenly passed away.
Some say of a sudden illness and some say poisoned by the French because they couldn't break her spirit, but her memory remained in the hearts and minds of the Algerian people as a symbol of resistance and strength.

from Muslim women in history FB page

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